> > The other (like with Peltier junction coolers) is that they
> often generate
> > as much heat as they dissipate.
> Often? _Always_! (Second law of thermodynamics. If you find this
> is violated, get a patent immediately, you have a prototype
> pertpetual-motion machine).

Zing!  Ya got me! :-)

What I meant was that some people, with thermal sensors for their ambient
case temp. besides one for their CPU, will see CPU temps drop a bit, but the
ambient temp in the case will just skyrocket, and since Peltiers cool a
certain amount below ambient temps, at some point even the CPU temp will be
higher than before.  In many cases, they have to overclock *less* than they
did because other components can't take the increased speed (memory,
peripherals, etc).  Thus the need for even more case fans to rid the excess


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