<<I'm keeping my fingers, toes and hairs crossed :-) Just too bad nobody
else has participated in my guess-contest... That means I will be the
sole winner! Hooray!>>
Then, later:
<<Hmmm, my guess was at about 6,2 million, but nobody else guessed,
so there :-)>>

Sorry, but I _also_ submitted a guess for M38. Maybe you didn't see it. I, 
for the record, guessed that M38 has an exponent in the neighborhood of 6.9 
million. You may verify this by checking the Mersenne mailing list archives 
(which is why I made it a point to post my guess to the list :-D  ). I also 
had two other guesses in that post, namely that we're missing a Mersenne 
prime in the 4mil range (highly unlikely, actually, or so it seems) and a 
guess at the size of the decamillion digit Mersenne Prime.

<<It hasn't been announced yet... but from what little information 
that is available, i.e. The Oregonian newspaper article, the
exponent must be =at least= 6,643,859.>>

Ah, my guess of 6.9 million is still safe. :-D
Time will tell.

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