On Sun, 19 Sep 1999, poke wrote:
> > I would NOT encourage using the gpl for this, it's far too restrictive,
> > and the fact that the security stuff isn't included in the public code
> > would actually be in direct violation of it.
> I am curious, what about the GPL do you find restrictive?

A programmer trying to use gpl'ed code for part of a program automatically
loses his right to deside on which licence to use on the rest, that's the
fundamental restriction I dislike about it.

I like the general idea, but there are clauses in the licence that 
restricts my freedom to decide on the licence for code I developed.

Note that this does NOT apply for the lgpl (L=Library), which allows
linking code without forcing the licence, but Stallman has publically
announced that the lgpl should not be used for future GNU libraries,
because using the gpl will force more people into free software.

Henrik Olsen,  Dawn Solutions I/S       URL=http://www.iaeste.dk/~henrik/
 Somewhere almost out of hearing, children were at play.  It was always a
 pleasant, lulling sound.
 Always provided, of course, you couldn't hear the actual words.
                                               Terry Pratchett, Hogfather

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