Mersenne Digest       Saturday, November 6 1999       Volume 01 : Number 656


Date: Wed, 03 Nov 1999 18:35:22 -0800
From: Eric Hahn <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Mersenne: Trial-factorers

Brian Beesley wrote:
>On 27 Oct 99, at 17:23, Eric Hahn wrote:
>> I'm looking for program(s) capable of trial-factoring 
>> prime exponent Mersenne numbers (using 2kp+1) meeting
>> the following requirements:
>> [...requirements...]
>Well, I'm prepared to have a go. Could we tighten up the spec a bit?

Wow!!  I was going to post a message with regard to the fact
that it looked like I was going to have write some code to 
produce my own program.  While the programs that were suggested
are well written, perform their designed functions, etc., they
were either not capable of the tasks required or too slow to
be useful.  

Now, look.  I even have a volunteer to write some code!!  :)

>(a) There's also been some interest in something else that Prime95 
>doesn't do - trial factoring 2^p+1.
>(b) I assume we're only interested in 2kp+1 factors. This means that 
>we will miss any factors which are not of this form. (Applies to 
>Mersenne numbers with composite exponents, and all 2^p+1 numbers - 
>though I believe that the "missed" exponents are easy to derive 

I'm not opposed or take exception to any possible additional
capabilities...  It just might require a little extra effort
for the coding.

>(c) I presume we're looking for a program optimized for IA32 
>architecture. The mersfac* programs are available but are unlikely to 
>be optimally efficient on any particular hardware platform.

Optimized for IA32 would be beneficial (which processor
architechure runs >80% of PCs?).  If possible, the ability
to modify so as to optimize for other architectures would
be a plus, however.  One big concern is speed though!

>Given that, I suggest limits on exponent < 2^62 and on factor < 2^95
>(these are convenient for the architecture).

After waking up several nights ago with some pretty *scary*
thoughts, I realized a couple of things.

As such, exponents through 2^62 should do fine.  Anything
that might be necessary above 4.6 x 10^18 could probably
be extrapolated (not that I can think of any reason, currently,
that would cause it to be necessary).

Factors, however, would be slightly different.  I suppose 2^95
would be acceptable for a base level (or default), especially
if testing an entire bit depth (or a large range of factors).
However, if testing a small and specific range of K, say
K=2^143 to K=2^143+500, it might need to go considerable
higher.  I'm willing to make a few sacrifices for this to
be possible...  

Admittedly, I'm not "in the loop" regarding the division
of the massive numbers for which I'm talking.  I'm sure
somebody is, however (and maybe could explain it).

>It's probably sensible to go for an application which runs in a "DOS 
>box" rather than a proper windowed application. This makes it a bit 
>easier (for me) to write & also makes deriving a linux variant almost 
>trivial. (Does anyone know for sure whether or not there's a DOS box 
>in "Millenium"? I heard a nasty rumour...)

I heard the same nasty rumor...  Actually, I've heard several,
including ones about the floppy and Win16 support, among others.


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Date: Wed, 3 Nov 1999 22:46:39 -0500 (EST)
From: Lucas Wiman  <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Mersenne: Meganet Corp.

> >  I may have missed this, but was there any final judgment on the Meganet
> >Corp. claim that they had a "deterministic and polynomial-time" prime
> >test? There were some discussions on the list early this year when they
> >first made their claim. But I don't recall reading about any resolution. 
> >Did this just fade away? Are they still holding to their claim? And if
> >they are, does it stand up to examination (if they are revealing enough
> >for examination)?
> These guys are snake-oil vendors. I don't know what type of prime test
> they are claiming to have or not have but from my exposure to their crypto
> claims I wouldn't trust anything from them  without proof.

I'd say this is true in this case as well.
On their site they say things like:
>Those results are unheard of. The 1,000 bits test on a Sparc
>                   II workstation takes 5 Minutes and it is still only
>                   PROBABALISTIC. The gap in time is much greater for larger
>                   bit sizes.

Eh?  The probable prime test on 10^999+7 took ~20 seconds on my PII/233.  That's
a thousand digits, ~3000 bits.

>The major breakthrough is solving a 400 year old
>                   mathematical problem – how to positively identify a prime
>                   number without spending exponential time in dividing the
>                   number by all the primes up to its root.

This problem was solved by a primality testing algorithm that is based on
eliptic curves (it was not practical), but it was polynomial.

>The solution
>                   Meganet Corporation have developed is based on a newly
>                   designed Mathematical Sequence called the T-Sequence.
>                   Once a number is transformed to the T-Sequence, its
>                   quadratic residue has definitive characteristics if it’s a prime
>                   number that can be easily determined in polynomial time by
>                   performing a binary decomposition.

Ok, if it is a prime then a^p==a mod p, what's your point?
They don't even give a correct statment for their claims, they should say
if and only if...

>Meganet Corporation would like to emphasize that there is a
>                   100% mathematical proof behind their T-Sequence, and
>                   further, it is a complete working product tested successfully
>                   on over 1.3 million numbers without a single mistake.

Ok, so proofs are measured in percent?  Also, how many numbers are both a 2-spsp,
and a lucas psuedoprime ($620 prize).  I'll bet that that combination has been 
tested for a lot more than 1.3 million numbers without failure...

Besides, the name meganet is too remanisant of Homer simpson's name for
his internet company (on the Simpsons)  I believe he called it something like
hyper-compu-global-meganet.  (It was eventually bought out by bill gates for
fear of competition).

- -Lucas
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Date: Thu, 4 Nov 1999 09:46:27 +0100 (MET)
From: "Benny.VanHoudt" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Mersenne: small question


Is it normal that an LL-test is interrupted when a new exponent
is assigned, that hasn't been factored yet, and will the old
LL-test proceed when the factoring is over (it is still present
in the status report) ?

- -------------------------------------------------------------------
Benny Van Houdt,
University of Antwerp
Dept. Math. and Computer Science
PATS - Performance Analysis of Telecommunication 
       Systems Research Group
Universiteitsplein, 1
B-2610 Antwerp
email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]    
- --------------------------------------------------------------------

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Date: Thu, 4 Nov 1999 10:20:45 +0100
From: Preda Mihailescu <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Mersenne: Meganet Corp.

> >The major breakthrough is solving a 400 year old
> >                   mathematical problem – how to positively identify a prime
> >                   number without spending exponential time in dividing the
> >                   number by all the primes up to its root.
> This problem was solved by a primality testing algorithm that is based on
> eliptic curves (it was not practical), but it was polynomial.

This is not correct. ECPP is polynomial, but it is _not_ deterministic, in fact pretty 
far from that. We are currently working at a deterministic polynoial time algorithm.
It requires some additional spices, compared to ECPP.


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Date: Thu, 4 Nov 1999 13:47:30 -0000
From: "Brian J. Beesley" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Mersenne: small question

On 4 Nov 99, at 9:46, Benny.VanHoudt wrote:

> Is it normal that an LL-test is interrupted when a new exponent
> is assigned, that hasn't been factored yet, and will the old
> LL-test proceed when the factoring is over (it is still present
> in the status report) ?

Yes. The idea is that, if the factoring was left, then you might find 
a factor straight away & have no work left to do. Doing the factoring 
in the middle of a current assignment means that if you do find a 
factor (lucky! - saves running the LL test) you have plenty of time 
to get more work assigned to you.

Brian Beesley
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Date: Thu, 4 Nov 1999 19:11:13 -0000
From: "Brian J. Beesley" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Mersenne: Meganet Corp.

On 4 Nov 99, at 10:20, Preda Mihailescu wrote:

> This is not correct. ECPP is polynomial, but it is _not_ deterministic, in fact 
> far from that. We are currently working at a deterministic polynoial time algorithm.
> It requires some additional spices, compared to ECPP.

Gary Miller has demonstrated that, given the Generalized Riemann 
Hypothesis, at most 2(ln n)^2 probabalistic prime tests (aka Miller's 
Tests) suffice to determine the primality of n. This gives a 
"straightforward" deterministic polynominal time algorithm - though 
the performance is rather poor compared with the Lucas-Lehmer test 
for Mersenne numbers, the Pepin test for Fermat numbers or Proth's 
Test for the eponymous numbers.

Miller's result yields a direct method of disproving the GRH - simply 
find a counterexample. I wouldn't hold my breath waiting for a 
counterexample to be found, though.

Brian Beesley
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Date: Thu, 4 Nov 1999 20:37:01 +0100
From: Preda Mihailescu <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Mersenne: Meganet Corp.

> > This is not correct. ECPP is polynomial, but it is _not_ deterministic, in fact 
> > far from that. We are currently working at a deterministic polynoial time 
> > It requires some additional spices, compared to ECPP.
> Gary Miller has demonstrated that, given the Generalized Riemann 
> Hypothesis, at most 2(ln n)^2 probabalistic prime tests (aka Miller's 
> Tests) suffice to determine the primality of n. This gives a 
> "straightforward" deterministic polynominal time algorithm - though 

Sorry to contradict you, but this things are called ``deterministic under the
ERH'', which is totally different from deterministic, straight. The last
means an algorithm which gives a provable answer prime or composite
on any input, and the proof of which is complete (i.e. does not relay on
_any_ unproved conjecture). I agree, many experts believe the ERH is true,
but this does not change the notions, the way they are. Simply, if the ERH
is proved one day to be true, all the effort spent meanwhile for finding
deterministic primality proofs would look rather curly. But such is life.
I was in Rome this summer when the proof of the Taniyama conjecture
was announced, and at the same conference, in fact the day after the 
announcement, there were several talks about ``elliptic curves which 
are modular'', or ``Weyl curves'' - which were in that day known to be
simply all elliptic curves :-).

By the way there is exactly one deterministic primality proving algorithm
(general, i.e. yielding an answer for any input) known by this date, and 
this is the deterministic version of the Adleman - Rumely - Pomerance test.

And as for your claim that Miller's proof would feature a contradiction to the 
ERH, that is also false. In fact, what Miller noted is, that under the ERH, there
is a polynomial bounded quadratic non residue - as you mentioned - and it
follows without many complications, that beneath that bound, a Rabin-Miller
witness of compositeness must be found: so if you know ERH is true and you
performed Rabin - Miller tests up to that bound without encountering any
compositeness witness, you are certain n was prime. But now suppose that -
as it is in true life - you do not know ERH to be true. You do not find any witness
up to so and so much: what do you then know ? Do you have a contradiction to 
the ERH ? Do you know n is prime ? Neither of both. On the other hand, if you use
a deterministic or Las Vegas test ending with an answer on your input then your 
experiment shows:
a) that you did not find any contradiction to ERH, if the number was indeed prime,
but the Miller approach just could not give you a proof thereof (which he, of course
never claimed !) or
b) that you found a contradiction to the ERH if the other test proved n to be 

Note that Las Vegas and deterministic tests always give correct unconditionally 
answers, the difference being that the last may also end with ``I do not know''.



> the performance is rather poor compared with the Lucas-Lehmer test 
> for Mersenne numbers, the Pepin test for Fermat numbers or Proth's 
> Test for the eponymous numbers.
> Miller's result yields a direct method of disproving the GRH - simply 
> find a counterexample. I wouldn't hold my breath waiting for a 
> counterexample to be found, though.
> Regards
> Brian Beesley

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Date: Thu, 4 Nov 1999 22:12:55 +0100
From: "Steinar H. Gunderson" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Mersenne: Re: Meganet Corp.

On Tue, Nov 02, 1999 at 12:57:13PM -0600, William H. Geiger III wrote:
>These guys are snake-oil vendors. I don't know what type of prime test
>they are claiming to have or not have but from my exposure to their crypto
>claims I wouldn't trust anything from them  without proof.

Remember that snake-oil isn't always deliberate. I just found it amusing
that only a day after reading your message, one person I know (at school)
claimed he had found the ideal way of slashing down file size. He was simply
using DEBUG to reduce the file size (via a simple `rcx / (filesize) / w' or
something along those lines), and then used the same technique to get it
back to `full size'. Amazing...

It took me quite a while to get him to show me this `amazing technique'.
He claimed there was nothing wrong with it (just let me wipe the empty
space on that diskette, please? ;-) ), and he was actually planning on
selling it...

Does this situation ring a bell? ;-)

/* Steinar */
- -- 
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Date: Thu, 4 Nov 1999 17:08:40 -0500 (EST)
From: Lucas Wiman  <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Mersenne: Meganet Corp.

> Sorry to contradict you, but this things are called ``deterministic under the
> ERH'', which is totally different from deterministic, straight. The last
> means an algorithm which gives a provable answer prime or composite
> on any input, and the proof of which is complete (i.e. does not relay on
> _any_ unproved conjecture). I agree, many experts believe the ERH is true,
> but this does not change the notions, the way they are. Simply, if the ERH
> is proved one day to be true, all the effort spent meanwhile for finding
> deterministic primality proofs would look rather curly. But such is life.
> I was in Rome this summer when the proof of the Taniyama conjecture
> was announced, and at the same conference, in fact the day after the 
> announcement, there were several talks about ``elliptic curves which 
> are modular'', or ``Weyl curves'' - which were in that day known to be
> simply all elliptic curves :-).

I doubt that efforts in the direction of a deterministic polynomial time algorithm
will look bad at all.  Due mainly to the fact that Miller's test is not very

> By the way there is exactly one deterministic primality proving algorithm
> (general, i.e. yielding an answer for any input) known by this date, and 
> this is the deterministic version of the Adleman - Rumely - Pomerance test.

What?  I thought (I could be wrong) that this had something like a log(log(log(n)))
term in the exponent which prevented it from being polynomial.  There are many
deterministic algorithms (trial division for example), but you have to accept 
*very* bad run times.

- -Lucas
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Date: Thu, 4 Nov 1999 22:12:55 +0100
From: "Steinar H. Gunderson" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Mersenne: Re: Meganet Corp.

On Tue, Nov 02, 1999 at 12:57:13PM -0600, William H. Geiger III wrote:
>These guys are snake-oil vendors. I don't know what type of prime test
>they are claiming to have or not have but from my exposure to their crypto
>claims I wouldn't trust anything from them  without proof.

Remember that snake-oil isn't always deliberate. I just found it amusing
that only a day after reading your message, one person I know (at school)
claimed he had found the ideal way of slashing down file size. He was simply
using DEBUG to reduce the file size (via a simple `rcx / (filesize) / w' or
something along those lines), and then used the same technique to get it
back to `full size'. Amazing...

It took me quite a while to get him to show me this `amazing technique'.
He claimed there was nothing wrong with it (just let me wipe the empty
space on that diskette, please? ;-) ), and he was actually planning on
selling it...

Does this situation ring a bell? ;-)

/* Steinar */
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Date: Thu, 4 Nov 1999 22:08:36 +0100
From: "Steinar H. Gunderson" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Mersenne: Re: Trial-factorers

On Wed, Nov 03, 1999 at 11:38:54AM -0700, Blosser, Jeremy wrote:
>Lastly, bash has been ported to windoze already by the Cygnus folks... even
>better tho (for NT at least), is 4NT (JPSoft).

If 4NT is better, it would depend on your definition of `better', I guess :-)
If you wanted to run bash scripts, bash would definitely be better, but there
are surely cases where 4NT is better as well.

/* Steinar */
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Date: Thu, 04 Nov 1999 22:50:35 +0000
From: "David L. Nicol" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Mersenne: Meganet Corp.

> >                   Once a number is transformed to the T-Sequence, its
> >                   quadratic residue has definitive characteristics if it?s a prime
> Ok, if it is a prime then a^p==a mod p, what's your point?
> They don't even give a correct statment for their claims, they should say
> if and only if...

Nine out of ten dentists surveyed agree that only Meganet
software soothes your T-sequence.  Not one single case of throat
irritation has been reported due to running Meganet software.

                      David Nicol 816.235.1187 [EMAIL PROTECTED]
                     End Daylight Savings Time in our lifetime
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Date: Thu, 4 Nov 1999 16:56:58 -0700
From: "Alan Vidmar" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Mersenne: Friday, November 5 1999 is the Burn All GIFs Day

Liberate your website from the GIF patent!

Friday, November 5 1999 is the Burn All GIFs Day. Please vist for more information.


"A programmer is a person who turns coffee into software."
Alan R. Vidmar                   Assistant Director of IT
Office of Financial Aid            University of Colorado
[EMAIL PROTECTED]                    (303)492-3598
*** This message printed with 100% recycled electrons ***
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Date: Fri, 5 Nov 1999 00:33:59 -0000
From: "Daniel Grace" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Mersenne: Re: Meganet Corp.

This is a multi-part message in MIME format.

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I think and please correct if I am wrong that trial factorisation
using long division requires O(sqrt(n)*log(n)) operations.
sqrt(n)*log(n) is polynomial in n e.g. it is less than n^2.
Presumably when measuring the order of factorisation
algorithms you guys use n ~ e^x and then measure the
order in terms of x?

What is a lower bound on a deterministic factoring

Puzzled :o

- ----------------------------------------------------------

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<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.0 Transitional//EN">
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<BODY bgColor=3D#ffffff>
<DIV><FONT size=3D2>"Polynomial?"</FONT></DIV>
<DIV><FONT size=3D2>I think and please correct if I am wrong =
<DIV><FONT size=3D2>using </FONT><FONT size=3D2>long division=20
requires&nbsp;</FONT><FONT size=3D2>O(sqrt(n)*log(n)) </FONT><FONT=20
<DIV><FONT size=3D2>sqrt(n)*log(n) is polynomial in n e.g. it is less =
n^2.</FONT><FONT size=3D2></FONT></DIV>
<DIV><FONT size=3D2>Presumably when </FONT><FONT size=3D2>measuring the =
order of=20
<DIV><FONT size=3D2>algorithms you guys </FONT><FONT size=3D2>use n ~ =
e^x and then=20
measure the</FONT></DIV>
<DIV><FONT size=3D2>order in terms of x?</FONT></DIV>
<DIV><FONT size=3D2></FONT>&nbsp;</DIV>
<DIV><FONT size=3D2>What is a lower bound on a </FONT><FONT =
<DIV><FONT size=3D2>algorithm?</FONT></DIV>
<DIV><FONT size=3D2>Puzzled :o</FONT></DIV>
<DIV><FONT size=3D2></FONT>&nbsp;</DIV></BODY></HTML>

- ------=_NextPart_000_0042_01BF2725.73CDBEC0--

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Date: Thu, 4 Nov 1999 21:12:11 -0500 (EST)
From: Lucas Wiman  <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Mersenne: Re: Meganet Corp.

> "Polynomial?"
> I think and please correct if I am wrong that trial factorisation
> using long division requires O(sqrt(n)*log(n)) operations.
> sqrt(n)*log(n) is polynomial in n e.g. it is less than n^2.
> Presumably when measuring the order of factorisation
> algorithms you guys use n ~ e^x and then measure the
> order in terms of x?

Well, it is polynomial to n, but we want it so that the runtime is polynomial
to the digits of n (log(n)), which O(sqrt(n)*log(n)) is exponential to log(n).

- -Lucas
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Date: Thu, 4 Nov 1999 21:17:32 -0500 (EST)
From: Lucas Wiman  <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Mersenne: Meganet Corp.

> Did I write polynomial anywhere ? I said deterministic primality proving algorithm.

I thought that perhaps you mispoke, since your statement seemed incorrect.
My point was that trial division is deterministic, but you said there was
only one such algorithm.  

- -Lucas
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Date: Thu, 4 Nov 1999 20:12:30 -0700
From: "Aaron Blosser" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: RE: Mersenne: Re: Trial-factorers

> On Wed, Nov 03, 1999 at 11:38:54AM -0700, Blosser, Jeremy wrote:
> >Lastly, bash has been ported to windoze already by the Cygnus
> folks... even
> >better tho (for NT at least), is 4NT (JPSoft).
> If 4NT is better, it would depend on your definition of `better',
> I guess :-)
> If you wanted to run bash scripts, bash would definitely be
> better, but there
> are surely cases where 4NT is better as well.

4NT is the bomb!  I write 4NT scripts for doing just about anything.

In fact, coupled with some resource kit utilities, it was 4NT that I used to
distribute NTPrime to all those US WEST machines in a matter of only hours.
Oh well.  I do remember showing the script I wrote to the US WEST security
team and they were just boggled by it.  None of them had ever heard of 4NT
there I guess.

It started out because when I was doing "legitimate" work for US WEST,
rolling out a few thousands of new computers, I wrote little 4NT batch jobs
to send out minor file updates to machines already deployed (they kept
changing the final spec of the software image even in the middle of the
deployment...typical).  It was great.  I put in logging to keep track of
which machines were unreachable so it would try those again later, generate
logs of the successes, etc.

I seem to recall posting a message to this list about using 4NT to deploy
NTPRIME, along with some choice resource kit utilities like the remote
command service and netsvc.

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Date: Thu, 04 Nov 1999 23:07:14 -0500
From: Jud McCranie <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Mersenne: Re: Meganet Corp.

At 12:33 AM 11/5/99 +0000, Daniel Grace wrote:
>I think and please correct if I am wrong that trial factorisation
>using long division requires O(sqrt(n)*log(n)) operations.

It means that it is a polynomial function of the number of bits in 
n.  Trial factorization isn't polynomial in the number bits of the number.

|     Jud McCranie                                        |
|                                                         |
| Programming Achieved with Structure, Clarity, And Logic |

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Date: Fri, 5 Nov 1999 07:19:29 -0000
From: "Brian J. Beesley" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Mersenne: Meganet Corp.

On 4 Nov 99, at 20:37, Preda Mihailescu wrote:

> Sorry to contradict you, but this things are called ``deterministic under the
> ERH'', which is totally different from deterministic, straight.

Of course, you're right.

> Simply, if the ERH
> is proved one day to be true, all the effort spent meanwhile for finding
> deterministic primality proofs [independent of the ERH] would look 
> rather curly. But such is life.

[Phrase in brackets is my insertion - BJB]

Not neccessarily. Work applied in one direction sometimes proves 
useful somewhere else, even if the original project fails or is 

> I was in Rome this summer when the proof of the Taniyama conjecture
> was announced, and at the same conference, in fact the day after the 
> announcement, there were several talks about ``elliptic curves which 
> are modular'', or ``Weyl curves'' - which were in that day known to be
> simply all elliptic curves :-).

It's unfair to expect people to rewrite their papers overnight!

> And as for your claim that Miller's proof would feature a contradiction to the 
> ERH, that is also false.

If we find a number with a certificate of primality derived from some 
method not dependent on the ERH but which nevertheless passes 
Miller's Test as a strong pseudoprime for all bases less than
2(ln n)^2, then either Miller's paper is broken, or we have a 
counterexample disproving the ERH. So far as I'm aware, Miller's 
paper is no more contentious than Pythagoras's Theorem.

Proth's Theorem allows us to find certified prime numbers of a fair 
size (thousands of digits) quite rapidly. Granted these are a very  
thin subset of all numbers, and, even then, running sufficient 
Miller's Tests on a number with "only" a thousand digits would take a 
very large amount of CPU time. That's why I won't be holding my 

Brian Beesley
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Date: Fri, 5 Nov 1999 11:06:57 +0100
From: Preda Mihailescu <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Mersenne: Meganet Corp.

> On 4 Nov 99, at 20:37, Preda Mihailescu wrote:
> > Sorry to contradict you, but this things are called ``deterministic under the
> > ERH'', which is totally different from deterministic, straight.
> Of course, you're right.
> > Simply, if the ERH
> > is proved one day to be true, all the effort spent meanwhile for finding
> > deterministic primality proofs [independent of the ERH] would look 
> > rather curly. But such is life.
> [Phrase in brackets is my insertion - BJB]
> Not neccessarily. Work applied in one direction sometimes proves 
> useful somewhere else, even if the original project fails or is 
> superceded.

Of course, of course. I said curly, funny, etc. I did not say condemned in the
next 25 eternities to bogus treatment, or something. Nuances !

> > I was in Rome this summer when the proof of the Taniyama conjecture
> > was announced, and at the same conference, in fact the day after the 
> > announcement, there were several talks about ``elliptic curves which 
> > are modular'', or ``Weyl curves'' - which were in that day known to be
> > simply all elliptic curves :-).
> It's unfair to expect people to rewrite their papers overnight!

The same thing ! Where is your humour ? No one expects nothing from
anyone - but it would hypocritical to claim that  the situation of those
people was not funny/embarassing/out of common - you chose the word
the pleases you most !

> > And as for your claim that Miller's proof would feature a contradiction to the 
> > ERH, that is also false.
> If we find a number with a certificate of primality derived from some 
> method not dependent on the ERH but which nevertheless passes 
> Miller's Test as a strong pseudoprime for all bases less than
> 2(ln n)^2, then either Miller's paper is broken, or we have a 
> counterexample disproving the ERH. So far as I'm aware, Miller's 
> paper is no more contentious than Pythagoras's Theorem.

I would say Miller paper is correct. In fact not only is it quite old and resisted
scrutiny, but first of all the ideas are rather simple, so it is difficult to hide
a reasoning bug behind them. (E.g., you cannot compare to Wiles 220 pages
proof, which took a time to be followed and understood). So yes, it would
be a counterexample to ERH.

> Proth's Theorem allows us to find certified prime numbers of a fair 
> size (thousands of digits) quite rapidly. Granted these are a very  
> thin subset of all numbers, and, even then, running sufficient 
> Miller's Tests on a number with "only" a thousand digits would take a 
> very large amount of CPU time. That's why I won't be holding my 
> breath!

No one is out for your holding your breath. ( I do not realle understand for what 
but it is unimportant).



> Regards
> Brian Beesley
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Date: Fri, 5 Nov 1999 10:30:53 -0000
From: "Daniel Grace" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Mersenne: Re: Meganet Corp.

This is a multi-part message in MIME format.

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> At 12:33 AM 11/5/99 +0000, Daniel Grace wrote:
> >"Polynomial?"
> >
> >I think and please correct if I am wrong that trial factorisation
> >using long division requires O(sqrt(n)*log(n)) operations.

> Jud McCranie wrote :
> It means that it is a polynomial function of the number of bits in=20
> n.

... or nibbles, bytes or whatever base your machine is working in ...
basically whatever you consider as requiring O(1) operations - it
does not effect the "O" analysis.

> Trial factorization isn't polynomial in the number bits of the number.

I did not say it was.


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<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.0 Transitional//EN">
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<BODY bgColor=3D#ffffff>
<DIV>&gt; At 12:33 AM 11/5/99 +0000, Daniel Grace wrote:<BR>&gt;=20
&gt;"Polynomial?"<BR>&gt; &gt;<BR>&gt; &gt;I think and please correct if =
I am=20
wrong that trial factorisation<BR>&gt; &gt;using long division requires=20
O(sqrt(n)*log(n)) operations.<BR>&gt; <BR></DIV>
<DIV>&gt; Jud McCranie wrote :<BR>&gt; It means that it is a polynomial =
of the number of bits in <BR>&gt; n.<BR><BR>... or nibbles, bytes or =
base your machine is working in ...<BR>basically whatever you consider =
requiring O(1) operations - it<BR>does not effect the "O" =
Trial factorization isn't polynomial in the number bits of the =
did not say it was.<BR><BR>Daniel.<BR><BR><BR></DIV></BODY></HTML>

- ------=_NextPart_000_0057_01BF2778.D67C6AA0--

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Date: Fri, 05 Nov 1999 10:10:21 -0500
From: Jud McCranie <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Mersenne: Re: Meganet Corp.

At 10:30 AM 11/5/99 +0000, Daniel Grace wrote:

> > Trial factorization isn't polynomial in the number bits of the number.
>I did not say it was.

You said:

> > At 12:33 AM 11/5/99 +0000, Daniel Grace wrote:
> > >"Polynomial?"
> > >
> > >I think and please correct if I am wrong that trial factorisation
> > >using long division requires O(sqrt(n)*log(n)) operations.

But that is not what we call a "polynomial time" algorithm.  Poly time 
refers to a polynomial function of the size of the input (bits, digits, 
etc) - NOT the size of the number itself.

|     Jud McCranie                                        |
|                                                         |
| Programming Achieved with Structure, Clarity, And Logic |

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Date: Sat, 6 Nov 1999 16:07:03 EST
Subject: Mersenne: Re: Mlucas on SPARC

Bill Rea writes:

>At 256K FFT I was seeing 0.11 secs/iter with
>Mlucas against 0.15 secs/iter for MLU, at 512K FFT the figures were
>0.25 secs/iter and 0.29 secs/iter respectively.

...and don't forget the added benefits due to Mlucas being able to
test significantly larger exponents at the same FFT length, as well
as having intermediate runlengths between powers of two. 0.11 seconds
at 256K is impressive - that's faster than on my 400MHz Alpha 21164
(0.16 sec) and Prime95 on a 400MHz PII (0.13sec), though, to be fair,
both of the latter systems have a smaller (512KB) L2 cache.

>Mlucas runs significantly faster if you can compile and run it
>on a 64-bit Solaris 7 system.

This is the first I've heard of this - roughly how much of a speedup
do you see?

>I would like to upgrade the E450 to Solaris 7 and see what Mayer's
>code can do in 64-bit mode, but the owners won't let me :-(

Luddites. :)

Brian Beesley writes:

>Bear in mind that Mlucas is still a bit "experimental". One problem 
>has come to light - if you're using the PrimeNet Manual Testing page 
>to submit results, you _must_ remove the space preceding the M at the 
>beginning of the result line, else PrimeNet won't accept the result. 
>Actually it says it has got the result but doesn't remove the 
>assignment from the current assignments report or add it to the 
>completed assignments report unless the leading space is removed.
>(This seems to be a program bug, I see the extra space in the source 
>code so I'd assume the problem afflicts Mlucas 2.7y on all platforms. 
>Certainly the binary executable I built for Alpha systems running 
>linux is also afflicted.)

Actually, I had good reason to insert the leading space - many Fortran
compilers (especially older ones) interpret the leading character of a
literal output string as a linefeed character (a holdover from the days
of line printers) and will print gibberish if it's nonblank. I quote
from Metcalf & Reid, "Fortran 90/95 Explained," p.212:

"Fortran's formatted output statements were originally designed for
line-printers, with their concept of lines and pages of output. On such
a device, the first character of each output record must be of default
kind. It is not printed but interpreted as a _carriage control character_.
If it is a blank, no action is taken, and it is good practice to insert
a blank as the first character of each record..."

It seems this is something that is better dealt with on the server end -
seems a bit silly for PrimeNet to get discombobulated by an extra blank
space here and there. Scott, any chance you could apply a patch to solve
this problem in the near future? (In between diaper-changing, of course :)

For those of you who own/administrate Alphas, SGIs and SPARCs (or know
someone who does), please get the word out - it would be nice to start
increasing the percentage of non-x86 GIMPS clients, especially now that
there's Mersenne testing code roughly as fast as Prime95 for all these

The one thing we still need to make it easy to administer multiple
machines (e.g. a lab full of them) is a PrimeNet interface. Scott
suggested to me that the easiest way to do this is to start with the
Mprime (Prime95) for Linux interface routines. Does any want to look
at those, and see if they can get something working for at least one
of the above Unix/Linux clients? If I don't hear from anyone I suppose
I'll have to do it myself, but I honestly prefer to work on the under-
lying "engine" - every day I spend on other things is a day I don't
have to work, e.g. on the Mlucas P-1 factoring code.

Also, I've had no responses to my query about the Absoft f90 compiler
for the Macintosh - is the Mac portion of GIMPS dead, or is the name
"MacLucas" leading all the Mac users to believe that MLU is the only
code that will run on their hardware?

Happy hunting,

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