I have noticed that, when I finish the v20 P-1 of an exponent and send in 
the result, there is no "sending results" line but only a "sending text 
message" line.  Does this mean I am not getting CPU time credit?
This is no big issue - I am in GIMPS for the chance of making a discovery, 
not to make my way to the top of a list, and P-1 promises to speed the 
fulfillment of that goal, if not for me than for someone else.

However, those who have other goals might be displeased when they notice 
that they are getting (very slightly) less credit than they expected.  I 
feel that this is an issue that should be resolved before v 20 is offered as 
a public release, even in resolving it means just adding a line to the 
output so that others are not confused as I have been.

Nathan Russell
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