David Campeau wrote:

>I was looking at the PrimeNet's World Test Status and in the recent couple
>of days, the factoring assignment went from ~10000 to ~13000. I put my
>detective cap and went digging in the Assignment Report.
>Seeing who the majority of the factoring exponent were assigned to reminded
>me of a previous message to the list.
>Sorry if this response is long in coming but...

And Geoffrey Faivre-Malloy

> > > I'm an impatient person in a way. I like my exponents finished in a 
> >
> > Me too :)  That's why I factor.  I've got about 8 machines factoring 
> > PII 266 all the way up to PIII 500).  Still...someone has managed to 
> > down to number 4 on the factoring top 100.  I'll catch up though!  :)
> >
>I bet you are going to catch up... with 3212 exponent assigned to you :-)

I would suggest that, if this person wants to climb the regular list, he 
switch to double-checking, switching over two or three machines a day.  This 
would gain him credit twice as fast /and/ he would still climb in the 
rankings daily, or very nearly so.

>Mr. Blosser should be ashamed of is previous setup, it was nothing compared
>to you :-)
>       GeoffreyF Anderson 3
>       GeoffreyF Build 12
>       GeoffreyF Chandler2 14
>       GeoffreyF Christy 10
>       GeoffreyF EDWARDS 13
>       GeoffreyF ELBuild1 680
>       GeoffreyF Goldberg 14
>       GeoffreyF PDuck 2422
>       GeoffreyF Server 7
>       GeoffreyF Tiffany 12
>       GeoffreyF Tony 12
>       GeoffreyF Whistler1 6
>       GeoffreyF Whistler2 7
>       3212
>I think your name imagination is running short :-) or is this a case of
>"Houston, I think we have a problem!"

I don't honestly know what to say...  The real reason some of us might be 
annoyed is that there are machines out there, such as 486's and low 
Pentiums, that cannot deal with the current 10 M LL tests, or even, in the 
case of the 486s and some K-6s, the 5-6 M doublechecks.  Fortunately, I do 
not have such a machine, however those who do would be understandibly, if 
maybe not rightly, annoyed that someone with large numbers of fast machines 
that can easily do LL work has chosen to not only do factoring, but to cache 
an amount of factoring work that would normally take GIMPS as a whole months 
to finish.

Nathan Russell
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