>From: Bill Rea <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>Reply-To: Bill Rea <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>Subject: Mersenne: poorly factored exponents
>Date: Fri, 07 Apr 2000 08:45:55 +1200 (NZST)
>I went to check out a new exponent from the manual testing pages for
>first time LL testing and discovered a batch of poorly factored
>exponents on offer. Just recently I'd picked up my first exponents
>above 10,000,000, but these were around the 9.9M and had only been
>factored to 55-bits.  All the other exponents I have out have been
>factored to 64-bits.  I tried checking out several hoping to get one
>that had been factored deeper, but after checking out four which had
>been factored to 55 bits, I stopped and checked them back in again. As
>I'm running Ernst Mayer's Mlucas I haven't got any way to factor
>If any wants to look for them the ones I picked up were:-
>  9987931
>  9987979
>  9988109
>  9988157
>I'll need a new exponent in about 10 hours so I'll be trying again
>Bill Rea, Information Technology Services, University of Canterbury

These exponents originate from a user that has been doing factoring to small 
depths on several hundred, if not thousand, exponents.  Check the list 
archives from about 2 weeks ago.  The factoring machines should have the 
majority of these taken care of in a month or so.

Does anyone have a solution?  Until one is found, I would suggest contacting 
George to get assignments that have been factored deeper 
([EMAIL PROTECTED]), or using the machine for double-checking for a 
little while.  I don't know if PrimeNet will allow another user to factor 
exponents that have been checked out to you and nevertheless accept the LL 
results from you without you having run factoring.  Maybe Scott or one of 
the other PrimeNet people could answer this for you.

BTW, I'm a relative newbie here, and any/all of the info I have given you 
may be incorrect.

Nathan Russell
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