On 12 Jun 00, at 23:20, Eric Hahn wrote:

>   I was wondering if it was common practice (ie: the norm) for
> P-1 to take the product of two or more factors when giving out
> a found factor, if two of more factors are found?

I don't know about "common practice", but P-1 uses GCD to find the 
factor. Consequently this factor may indeed be compound, unless extra 
steps are taken to eliminate this possibility.
>   To clarify, I was curious about how P-1 would indicate more
> than one factor being found.  So, I took M113 and fed it into
> Prime95 with the bounds of B1=200, B2=20000.  Prime95 notified
> me that P-1 had found a factor in Stage #1, and that the factor
> was 9734174361238150513.  This factors out to 3391 * 23279 *
> 65993 * 1868569, all of which are known factors of M113.

True enough.

However, if P-1 finds a factor with P bits, and trial factoring to T 
bits has already been done without finding any factor, then the 
factor found by P-1 _must_ be prime unless P > 2T. (For the purposes 
of Prime95, this situation is _most_ unlikely ever to occur, 
therefore it seems reasonable to avoid the extra complications.)

If P-1 does find a factor which is compound, then running P-1 again 
with smaller limits will eventually recover a smaller factor. These 
extra runs will obviously take less time than the original 
"discovery" run. Also, finding _any_ factor is sufficient to 
eliminate an exponent as a Mersenne prime candidate, so decomposing 
the factor found into its prime constituents is not neccessary if P-1 
is being run purely for this reason.

Brian Beesley
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