Bruce A Metcalf wrote:
> At 08:13 AM 7/26/00 -0700, Bob Margulies wrote:
> >I have just finished a case (M9836773) and expected Prime 95 (version
> >20.6, running under Win 98) to begin another. Instead I have the message
> >"This program has performed an illegal operation and will be shut down."
> >Under "Details" it reports exception 6d9H in module RPCRT4.DLL at
> >0187:7fb953e3. I have not been able to restart it.
> My system just crashed the same way.  Even a cold boot and reinstalling
> from the file doesn't fix it.  I've got a Pentium 150 running
> Prime 95 ver. 20.6 under Windows 95.  And advice will be most appreciated.

I believe there was a bug in 20.5 that crashed when doing trial
factoring after P-1 factoring on the same boot.  20.6 supposedly
eliminated that, but there might be something still wrong.  

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