On Mon, 28 Aug 2000 13:29:24 +0100 gordon spence <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Taking the data from the status page on mersenne.org where it gives timings
> per fft size per iteration, taking the mid-point exponent for each fft size
> and then multiplying by the 5.5 conversion factor that George quotes gives
> the following
> FFT    Exponent         Credit (P90 years)
> 256     4924000         0.113
> 320     5882500         0.177

Interesting data.  I'm running a K6-III-400, whose other chief
CPU-burners are a software MIDI synth and an occasional compile,
and which is halted from time to time for software installs.

Upon exponents LESS than the mid-point, my measured elapsed time
was  0.057 years  and  0.088 years,  respectively.

I see my K6-III-400 is  TWICE  as fast as the reference P90 !!!


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