"Brian J. Beesley" wrote:
> The question arises as to whether or not it is economical to continue
> beyond B1=44000000, B2=4290000000. This may be a function of the
> native integer size - 64-bit systems shouldn't have any problems
> (given a suitable implementation)

I have a hacked version of mprime that uses another prime sieve (the
primegen library), it will let you go all the way to B1=2^32, B2~=2^60.
It seems to work alright but I havent given it too much testing yet -
I've had little time recently. If there is any demand out there from
truely desparate ECM factorers, I'll try to make a releasable version. 

> > Have any other numbers received as much ECM effort as this? I'm betting
> > that there aren't many.
> [...]
> Although the curves completed don't look as good, it is, however,
> possible that more CPU time has been expended trying to factor some
> of the Fermat numbers using ECM.

I think F14 beats even M727. I've done a lot of curves at B1=3M and
B1=11M, if I recall correctly, one B1=11M took about 11 hours on a
PII-400, so the 5200*3M + 1270*11M plus smaller curves should add up to
something like 30.000 cpu hours, while M727 (1 hour per 44M curve) has
around 25.000 hours accumulated.

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