Mersenne Digest       Tuesday, November 7 2000       Volume 01 : Number 790


Date: Thu, 2 Nov 2000 06:41:09 -0000
From: "Brian J. Beesley" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Mersenne: ECM update -- M727 finished up to 50 digits

On 1 Nov 00, at 18:17, David A. Miller wrote:

> The last machine that I had working on M727 has finished its 1000 curves
> at B1=44M. This is enough to finish the recommended number of curves at
> that bound. Thus there are probably no factors below 10^50, and it won't
> be practical to find the factors with ECM.

The question arises as to whether or not it is economical to continue 
beyond B1=44000000, B2=4290000000. This may be a function of the 
native integer size - 64-bit systems shouldn't have any problems 
(given a suitable implementation)

I guess the special number field people will take an interest as soon 
as they've cleared whatever they're working on at the moment.
> Have any other numbers received as much ECM effort as this? I'm betting
> that there aren't many.

Possibly not - even if the curves for B1=44000000 B2=4290000000 have 
been done, they've probably been done on a smaller exponent, 
therefore with less expenditure of time.

Although the curves completed don't look as good, it is, however, 
possible that more CPU time has been expended trying to factor some 
of the Fermat numbers using ECM.

There's still plenty of work for you to do!

Brian Beesley
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Date: Thu, 2 Nov 2000 10:18:52 +0000
From: Alexander Kruppa <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Mersenne: ECM update -- M727 finished up to 50 digits

"Brian J. Beesley" wrote:
> The question arises as to whether or not it is economical to continue
> beyond B1=44000000, B2=4290000000. This may be a function of the
> native integer size - 64-bit systems shouldn't have any problems
> (given a suitable implementation)

I have a hacked version of mprime that uses another prime sieve (the
primegen library), it will let you go all the way to B1=2^32, B2~=2^60.
It seems to work alright but I havent given it too much testing yet -
I've had little time recently. If there is any demand out there from
truely desparate ECM factorers, I'll try to make a releasable version. 

> > Have any other numbers received as much ECM effort as this? I'm betting
> > that there aren't many.
> [...]
> Although the curves completed don't look as good, it is, however,
> possible that more CPU time has been expended trying to factor some
> of the Fermat numbers using ECM.

I think F14 beats even M727. I've done a lot of curves at B1=3M and
B1=11M, if I recall correctly, one B1=11M took about 11 hours on a
PII-400, so the 5200*3M + 1270*11M plus smaller curves should add up to
something like 30.000 cpu hours, while M727 (1 hour per 44M curve) has
around 25.000 hours accumulated.

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Date: Tue, 07 Nov 2000 22:32:47 EST
Subject: Mersenne: New Mlucas binary for Sparc

Thanks to Bill Rea, we now have a new, improved Mlucas
2.7a binary for Sparc Solaris (2.6 and above; I've also
run it successfully under SunOS). On a 333 MHz Ultra II
I have at work, my 2000-iteration timings for an 
exponent around 5.9M (320K FFT length) dropped from 9 to
7 minutes. Thanks, Bill!

Happy hunting,
- -Ernst

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End of Mersenne Digest V1 #790

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