On Tue, 17 Apr 2001 17:49:49 -0700, Aaron Blosser wrote:

>> >"Should I be worried about Juno downloading data and software to my
>> >computer?"
>> >
>> >No. Juno has been downloading data and software to your computer since
>> >day you first subscribed.
>> Gotta give 'em credit for being honest.
>Dang, I shoulda thought of that. :(

No, no, no, you just don't understand!  

Yes. In general, we expect to charge for (or perhaps to derive other
of commercial benefit from) the use of the Juno Virtual Supercomputer
Project, and hope that any fees derived from such use will help us
the cost of providing our services to you and the millions of other
who use them. 

And, to think - all that money that all the other 'free' ISPs are
losing by not selling time on the CPUs of their customers!  

Maybe you should have looked for a job with them back in the day?
Forget 3,000 machines - there's "millions of other people" out there
who won't even notice their computers being used in liu of nineteen
dollars a month for dialup access, usually capped at 28K and very
flakey, accourding to the folks I know who use such ISPs.  

Unsubscribe & list info -- http://www.scruz.net/~luke/signup.htm
Mersenne Prime FAQ      -- http://www.tasam.com/~lrwiman/FAQ-mers

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