> At 08:07 PM 4/26/01 +0200, you wrote:
> [sniped]
> >> 
> >> 1.4GHz P4, old code:                    0.126 sec.
> >> 1.4GHz P4, new code:                    0.048 sec.
> >> 1.2GHz Athlon, 133MHz DDR:              0.084 sec.
> >> 
> >>         I have a few more optimizations up my sleeve.  I think my goal
> >> of 0.040 seconds is achievable.

Hey George:

    When will we begin to see this improved code in action?  This would seem 
to cut a 10 million exponent LL test time almost 280 hours, which is quite a 
savings, and an increase to total throughput for the project.  In the time I 
can clear one exponent, it could now clear  about 4.5 exponents.

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