Mersenne Digest         Friday, June 22 2001         Volume 01 : Number 863


Date: Wed, 20 Jun 2001 08:06:28 +0200
From: "george de fockert" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Mersenne: Prime95 - V21.1.1  aka v21a

- ----- Original Message -----
From: "Brian J. Beesley" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

> It would also be interesting to find out if the PIII prefetch code
> benefits the AMD K6 processor. The K6-2 and K6-3 do have an Athlon-
> compatible prefetch instruction, though it's using 32-byte cache
> lines and there is no prefetch queue i.e. only one prefetch can be
> active at any time.

Just tried it on my k6-2, needs CpuSupportsPrefetch=1 in local.ini,
and results in an illegal instruction exception.
So the program probably does not use the AMD 3dnow! prefetch instruction,
but one of the intel MMX2 or SIMD prefetch instructions not on the K6-2,

> BTW what happens to the prefetch instructions for those processors
> (like PII) that don't support prefetch?

See above for the K6-2

George de Fockert

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Date: Wed, 20 Jun 2001 08:51:11 -0700
From: Eric Hahn <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Mersenne: Prime95 - V21.1.1  aka v21a

George Woltman wrote:
>Some Athlons are seeing a speed increase others are not.   The
>two that I know are not enjoying a speed increase are running
>under Win2K.  Maybe there is a bug in the way v21.1 determines
>if prefetch is supported.
>For those Athlon owners that are not seeing a speed boost, try setting
>         CpuSupportsPrefetch=1
>in local.ini

  This is a possibility.  The other possibility is that there
might be something in Windows that is interfering.

  The reason I say this, is that I have a P3 running at 733Mhz,
and after a reboot, Prime95 was back to running at the same
iteration time before v21 starting running.  After stopping 
Prime95 and adding the line to local.ini, it was back to the
increased speed.  

  Interesting... to say the least...


P.S. BTW, this P3 is running Win98SE...

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Date: Wed, 20 Jun 2001 16:55:04 -0400
From: George Woltman <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Mersenne: More v21

Hi all,

        Regarding some of the comments on v21:

        The strange data output when doing an Advanced/Time on 10,000,000
is due to some instrumentation I accidentally left in.  I have removed it and
maybe it will speed up the program by a very, very, very tiny amount.
You can download it at

        I've built a Windows NT Service version and a Linux version.  You can
download them at  and respectively. They have been
through the "robust" QA process of proving M11213 prime.  Use
at your own risk!  Brian Beesley, a big QA volunteer, will undoubtedly
download the Linux version and report bugs or a higher level of confidence
in mprime's capabilities.

        Since the prefetch code seems to work on the Athlon, I won't be
needing the services of Athlon programmers or Orlando residents just now.
Thanks to those that offered.  Although, I'm sure we could get a few more
percent by using PREFETCHW or by a modified memory layout for the
64-byte cache lines, I'll wait until v21 is finalized before looking at any
more changes.

        Finally, the PPro, PII, and Celeron 1 do not crash when a prefetch
instruction is encountered.  This indicates to me that Intel planned on putting
this instruction in prior to the PIII but ran into technical difficulties 
or time
constraints.  These CPUs are affected only by the prefetch instructions
using up some cache space and decoder bandwidth.  Thus, I'm reluctant to
increase prime95's size by a third to support 4 different FFT algorithms:
Pentium classic, Pentium Pro, Pentium Pro with prefetching, and SSE2.
I haven't made a final decision yet (although I sure wish I'd put the FFT code
in a DLL!)


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Date: Wed, 20 Jun 2001 15:32:24 -0700 (PDT)
From: Francois Gouget <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Mersenne: Prime95 - V21.1.1  aka v21a

On Tue, 19 Jun 2001, Brian J. Beesley wrote:
> Unfortunately I can't contribute timings to this argument as none of 
> my three Athlon systems can run Prime95 (they're all linux systems).

   Prime95 is available on Linux. It's called mprime and you can
download it from: (glibc 2.1.3) (static)

   I even maintain a Debian package for it called prime-net. You will
find it in the non-free/misc section.

   Of course, for version V21.1.1, I believe you're right.

> Must dig out wine & see if Prime95 will run over wine/X/linux, though 
> that's a mightly roundabout way of running what's essentially a 
> console program!!!

   I tried this but it does not work well. I could start prime95 once
using 'wine --managed ./PRIME95.EXE' but couldn't start it again after

- --
Francois Gouget         [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 The greatest programming project of all took six days; on the seventh day the
  programmer rested. We've been trying to debug the *&^%$#@ thing ever since.
                      Resume: design before you implement.

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Date: Wed, 20 Jun 2001 20:03:37 -0500
From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Mikus Grinbergs)
Subject: Re: Mersenne: Prime95 - V21.1.1 aka v21a

Tried the new V21 Linux version (  My original (35 um)
Athlon got the same percentage speed increases that others have been
reporting (did *not* have to explicity put in CpuSupportsPrefetch=1).

One minor V21 difference:  I was using the "Advanced/Time" option,
and V20 would show each 'timing' line as it completed.  But V21
did not change the screen appearance (after "Accept above answers?")
until the whole multi-iteration 'timing' run was complete -- then
it showed ALL the 'timing' lines at once, immediately followed by
the elapsed time of the whole 'timig' run, plus the estimate of the
time it would take to perform an LL test of the specified exponent.


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Date: Thu, 21 Jun 2001 11:10:28 -0500
From: "C. Daniel Sheets" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: RE: Mersenne: More v21

I have noticed a bug in the new v21.1 program regarding Athlon computers.
The CPU type gets changed from Athlon to Pentium II.  This happens in both
Prime95 v21.1 and NTPrime v21.1.  Worse yet, it happens every time the
program/service is started.  I realize that this changes the projected end
date but there may be other consequences that I am not aware of.

 -----Original Message-----
From:   George Woltman [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]] 
Sent:   Wednesday, June 20, 2001 3:55 PM
Subject:        Mersenne: More v21

Hi all,

        Regarding some of the comments on v21:

        The strange data output when doing an Advanced/Time on 10,000,000
is due to some instrumentation I accidentally left in.  I have removed it
maybe it will speed up the program by a very, very, very tiny amount.
You can download it at

        I've built a Windows NT Service version and a Linux version.  You
download them at  and respectively. They have been
through the "robust" QA process of proving M11213 prime.  Use
at your own risk!  Brian Beesley, a big QA volunteer, will undoubtedly
download the Linux version and report bugs or a higher level of confidence
in mprime's capabilities.

        Since the prefetch code seems to work on the Athlon, I won't be
needing the services of Athlon programmers or Orlando residents just now.
Thanks to those that offered.  Although, I'm sure we could get a few more
percent by using PREFETCHW or by a modified memory layout for the
64-byte cache lines, I'll wait until v21 is finalized before looking at any
more changes.

        Finally, the PPro, PII, and Celeron 1 do not crash when a prefetch
instruction is encountered.  This indicates to me that Intel planned on
this instruction in prior to the PIII but ran into technical difficulties 
or time
constraints.  These CPUs are affected only by the prefetch instructions
using up some cache space and decoder bandwidth.  Thus, I'm reluctant to
increase prime95's size by a third to support 4 different FFT algorithms:
Pentium classic, Pentium Pro, Pentium Pro with prefetching, and SSE2.
I haven't made a final decision yet (although I sure wish I'd put the FFT
in a DLL!)


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Date: Thu, 21 Jun 2001 19:28:23 -0000
From: "Brian J. Beesley" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Mersenne: FTP site - Service interruption


I operate the ftp server which keeps copies 
of the Mersenne software and databases. It will be offline from 
approximately 12:00 GMT on Saturday 23rd June until 20:00 GMT on 
Sunday 24th June. The building in which it is housed requires urgent 
work to the main electrical power supply.

I apologise for any inconvenience.

Brian Beesley
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Date: Thu, 21 Jun 2001 17:49:27 EDT
Subject: Re: Mersenne: Good news for Pentium 3 and Celeron 2 owners

George wrote:

For those Athlon owners that are not seeing a speed boost, try setting

I  also needed to do this on my C700 under WinMe to get
the expected speed boost. Timings dropped from 0.260 sec
at 640K to 0.188 sec. Nice work!

Alas, my dual-p3 office workstation runs under linux.
Any chance of a prefetch-enabled version of mprime soon?

- -Ernst

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Date: Thu, 21 Jun 2001 23:58:10 -0400
From: George Woltman <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Mersenne: v21 athlon becomes P2 bug

Hi all,

         I think I've fixed the bug where Athlons are transformed into lowly
Pentium II's when prime95 is started.  This wasn't a serious bug - it really
only affects the expected completion date and the cpu type reported by
the primenet server.
         You can download the fix at


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Date: Thu, 21 Jun 2001 18:08:08 +0100
From: "Lawrence Cairns-Smith" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Mersenne: Good news for Pentium 3 and Celeron 2 owners

Can I put a suggestion to the group......

I feel it is ridiculous that George has to beg/borrow the latest
architecture in order to optimise Prime95. I also know from being a member
of the prime search community for the last three years the amount of hard
work George puts into the project.

The PIII and Athlon processors have been around now for many months and
indeed, taking a quick look at the stats, over 60% of members are using
either a PIII, AMD or (unspecified type of) Celeron. Imagine the amount of
extra work that could have been done if George would have been able to make
a 20% speed increase for all these people say 6 months ago.

I therefore suggest that a pay pal account (or similar) is set up. People
who wished could easily donate a few dollars to make sure that George has
available to him the latest architecture. I mean, come on, it wouldn't take
too many 'couple of dollars' to buy the latest system board and processor
with each new release of architecture and the benefits to the entire group
would be immense.

I hope George is not offended by this post and ask for discussion.....




>Are there any Athlon owners that would like to take a crack at
>optimizing the v21 source so that Athlon owners can enjoy a speed boost
>Alternatively, are there any Athlon owners in the Orlando area that might
>be willing to let me use their machine sometime in the next month?

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End of Mersenne Digest V1 #863

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