> I think it is more the following situatiuon:

> 95+% done, connecting to prime.net -> GET NEW WORK !! ->  start with 
> new work !

> After 5-7% the old workfile gets it's active flag back and will be 
> completed.

The work done on the new exponent is either trail factoring or P-1
factoring. Trail factoring on the new exponent is unlikely because the trail
factored exponents are way ahead of the first time LL tests. When the P-1
test is finished or when there is not enough memory available to complete
the test the LL test on the old exponent continues. The LL test on the new
exponent will be started after the LL test in the old exponent is finished.

> This situation is really b*llsh*t, imagine the new number is very high, 
> it tooks 1 week to complete the 7% mark and complete the old nonprime.

This is done to make sure your computer has always some work queued up in
case a factor is found and your computer is not online or the primenet
server is unavailable. In this situation there is more time to get a new
exponent after the factor is found.

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