> At 04:07 PM 9/30/2001 -0700, Daniel Swanson wrote:
> >I went through the Cleared Exponents
> >report looking for other examples of factors found during
> double-checks that
> >should have been found during the initial factorization.
> >  5977297  53  DF    6726544627832489
> >  6019603  57  DF  137024179940485697
> >  7019297  57  DF  160100125459121849
> >  7020641  58  DF  226230108157229263
> >  7025987  56  DF   74052063365823791
> >  7027303  55  DF   31090234297428433
> >10159613  56  DF   68279769831982367
> >Were numbers in this range all originally factored by the same user
> >or computer?

> Either way, GIMPS
> has never considered missing a factor as a big deal.  It only means
> some wasted effort running a LL test that could have been avoided.

I wonder if by using configuration settings, people are able to skip as
many, if not all, factoring stages?

I believe the idea of trying to skip P-1 factoring was talked about within
the last 3 or 4 months.  Apparently there are people who would just prefer
to get credit for doing LL work than to find factors.  Until factoring time
(while one is LL testing) is at credited at the same same rate as LL
testing, let alone getting credited not at all (most of the time no factors
are found), results like the above could become common place.

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