On Sun, Nov 11, 2001 at 06:59:48AM +0100, Guido Lorenzini wrote:
> Hi all! Thank you very much to all that guys who gave me suggestions about 
> the timings problems!
> Last night, at 1:25 AM UTC, "Pluto" (the italian name of the Mickey's dog: 
> you may know it as the Pup), which instead hasn't problem at all, has completed 
> its  (and mine) first 33mio LL-test: unfortunately M33243421 isn't prime but it 
> is exciting to make a jump of more than six years in the top producers awards 
> page! Now I'm definetively entered into the Top 400 producers zone! Waiting just 
> two weeks for Pippo (Goofy) the next mega-jump...Soon I'll in sight of Top 100!!
> Sorry for this "minor post", just to communicate this private milestone.
> Regards
> guido72

Hi Guido

I took the liberty of running you through my primestats perl script and get
the following information:

Run Date: Sun 11 Nov 2001
Participants counted: 24,546
Extra details for user ID: guido72

 Position   User Name      CPU Years    Exponents    CPU P90
                                         Tested     Hrs Per Day

   350   guido72             42.868         79        528.57


   72 people are faster than you but behind you,
at an average speed of   807.85 CPU hours per day
they are approximately    25.32 years behind you.
You will be in the center of the chasing pack in
something like   787.64 days.

  129 people are slower than you but in front of you,
at an average speed of   413.16 CPU hours per day
they are approximately    13.01 years in front of you.
You should be in the middle of the pack that you are
chasing in something like   979.54 days.

>> End of output. 

So it looks like things are going to slow down a bit from
now on:-))

You can get the perl script from my web page at:


Be sure to read the documentation in the .txt file.  The
script should run on most platforms, I know it works on
Unix, Linux, NT4, and Win2000. 

Steve              email mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]

%HAV-A-NICEDAY Error not enough coffee  0 pps. 

web http://www.zeropps.uklinux.net/

or  http://start.at/zero-pps

  2:14pm  up 34 days,  5:57,  1 user,  load average: 1.03, 1.02, 1.00
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