Why is P-1 factoring not a single schedule task? like the LL and the
Trail Factoring?
Why is P1 factoring hooked upon the LL test?
Why does P1 not have it's own life like the TF and the LL?
I realy hated the P1 until now 21.4 fixed that. And I hated the
CPU-clocks of earlier versions to, because I have no idea what so ever
the clock beat of my computer is, but I can relate to time.
Some people might have "plenty" of mem - outdoing my best a 512M - but
some of the machines I (or maybe Primenet) have selected for P-1 have
nothing more than 64 or 128M.
We also need a a place for rapid starters. Some "Gazelle" view. 
Wow! Even though I've only done 0,323 P90 years I'm number 33 in this
week!!!! I will certainly continue, because I will catch up with those
guys having 79 years!!!!
Hmmm, maybe in percentage of the week before.
Also the newsletter should more often be sent. We make progress every
day so why don't we tell GIMPS'ers what is happening? Even a small
progress is a giant leap, like "now all numbers below 4.900.000 has been
doublechecked" or "All numbers below 16.000.000 has been trial
Just my few words
happy hunting
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