M89 is prime! M89 = 618.970.019.642.690.137.449.562.111 with no known
So it would be lovely if we could rule out any possible Mx if x had
earlier been a factor for any other My. :-) But no.
M11 proves this so nicely: M23 has factors, M89 none. 
I've started looking for some factors, where f is both factor of Mx and
of My. The chance is there as Mx calls for factors of the form 2kx+1 and
My calls for 2Ky+1. Let's have an example:

547 is candidate for M7 as for M13:   2*(3*13)*7+1 and 2*(7*3)*13+1

or better: 

999983 is candidate for M79 and for M6329 as 2*(6329)*79+1 and
2*(79)*6329+1 both equals 999983.

This happens all the time in different shapes so I would expect some
happy day we found a crosslinked factor.

happy hunting


>Torben, I noticed something along those lines long ago: the first
>Mersenne number is M11 which factors to 23 times 89. The very next
>Mersenne number is M23, and M89 is also not prime. It occurred to me
>that possibly Mx is never prime if x is a factor of a Mersenne number,
>it was just an observation and I never got around to pursuing it. If
>then it would (although only very slightly) reduce the number of
>to be tested. So I am just as curious as are you.


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