>reaction to another mail about this

>>This happens all the time in different shapes so I would expect some
>>happy day we found a crosslinked factor.

>we will never find a factor who is a factor of Mx and also of My
>simply because every factor give only one count with my algoritm and is
>of one or zero mersenne numbers
>for example the factor 7 is a factor of 2^3-1 and 2^6-1 and 2^9-1 and
2^12-1 etc..
>but only 2^3-1 of a mersenne number
>so a factor can never be factor of Mx and My both

Yep, you're so truly right. After I used the reverse factoring algorithm
a bit harder it is not difficult to see that when you arrive at 1 (and
started at 1) the same pattern will repeat (after all we are multiplying
by 2 and mod'ing the same value repeatedly from 1).
Some how it is no longer a mystery that 13421 is a factor of any 2k*61
(2684 in this case) as 61 is the highest prime in the factorized values
of 13420 (factors: 2*2*5*11*61). Again: 2*5*11 is only the k.
And also I have found reverse factoring will find it self as a value for
Mprimes, 31 is a "factor" of M5 and so is 127 a "factor" of M7, and most
often just it self -1 for very uinteresting values, like 107 divides
M106. :-(
On the other hand this "insight" could make me/us construct interesting
and primetested values beyond the scope of Mprime (eg. max 66 bits for
numbers below 21.600.000)  but in the scope of GIMPS (any prime
apx.<72.300.000). At least I got one machine for which mprime has no
relevance as some uncontrolled reboots happens and I would like a sleep
to occur every 10 seconds. Then I can write my own reverse facoring for
this machine - it is on anyway for other purposes. 
Happy hunting
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