I know there has been some discussion on this list about the 
theoretical possibility of staying in frequency space and doing a bunch 
of point-wise squarings in there instead of computing the inverse DWT 
after every iteration.  Now, I'm not suggesting this as a feasible 
avenue for GIMPS as I've read some of the arguments against it in the 
archives.  I'm just curious as to how it might proceed if you could 
assume infinite precision, etc.  For instance, would it be as simple as:

DWT(x) -> X^n -> IDWT(X^n) == x^n (mod 2^q - 1) (where "n" is now only 

Of course I'm simplifying by not including the subtraction by 2, but 
you get the idea.  Also, if it *is* this simple, could there be any 
modular reduction of the X^n before doing the IDWT?  Any explanation 
would be appreciated.

Brendan Younger

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