I'm concerned that version 18 can only handle numbers up to 20 million, since I
am more-or-less stuck at version 18, since that is the last version available
for OS/2, which is my principle OS.  (More specifically I run OS/2 about 95% of
the time on my laptop, and my personal desktop machine at home; at school I use
machines with Win95 and Linux and run more recent versions of the Mersenne
program.)  I have the intention of eventually migrating to Linux at home, but
OS/2 does what I need to do better than any alternative, and I know how to make
it do _exactly_ what I want.

Suggestions, bright ideas?

Richard G. Larson, Professor                   (312)996-8616
                   Director Undergrad. Studies (312)413-2171
Dept of Math., Stat., and Comp. Sci.,  U. of Ill. at Chicago  
851 S. Morgan Street,    M/C 249,      Chicago IL 60607-7045
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]        homepage: http://www.uic.edu/~rgl/

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