Let p > 2 be prime and  Mp = 2^p - 1.
The familiar Lucas-Lehmer test sets a[0] = 4
and a[j+1] = a[j]^2 - 2 for j >= 0.
Mp is prime if and only if a[p-1] == 0 mod Mp.

    When Mp is prime, then 

        a[p-2]^2 == 2 == 2*Mp + 2 = 2^(p+1)  (mod Mp).

Taking square roots, either

       a[p-2] ==  2^((p+1)/2) mod Mp
       a[p-2] == -2^((p+1)/2) mod Mp.

Around 20 years ago I heard that nobody could predict
which of these would occur.  For example,

      p = 3    a[1] = 4 == 2^2 (mod 7)
      p = 5    a[3] = 194 == 2^3 (mod 31)
      p = 7    a[5] = 1416317954 == -2^4 (mod 127).

Now that 40 Mersenne primes are known, can anyone
extend this table further?  That will let us test
heuristics, such as whether both  +- 2^((p+1)/2) 
seem to occur 50% of the time, and
provide data to support or disprove conjectures.

      Peter Montgomery

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