> I had to rename some tokens in order to avoid collisions with windows.h
> defines. Aras didn't mention this problem before.

I mentioned this to Eric in private conversation, but on this list I
only talked about talloc specific changes.

Yeah, in the glsl2 parser some tokens clash with windows headers
(BOOL, INPUT etc.), and <windows.h> is indirectly included by Mesa's
own gl.h. I've been doing renames of them in my own fork.

Maybe bulk of glsl2 does not need to include that much of Mesa itself
(e.g. right now you need to have things like src/mapi/mapi/u_thread.h
and src/mesa/math/m_matrix.h - because they are included indirectly by
something that glsl2 includes).

Aras Pranckevičius
work: http://unity3d.com
home: http://aras-p.info
mesa-dev mailing list

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