On Wed, Jan 13, 2016 at 12:54 PM, Rob Herring <r...@kernel.org> wrote:
> On Tue, Jan 12, 2016 at 8:06 PM, Chih-Wei Huang <cwhu...@android-x86.org> 
> wrote:
>> 2016-01-13 6:29 GMT+08:00 Rob Herring <r...@kernel.org>:
>>> On Tue, Jan 12, 2016 at 7:05 AM, Chih-Wei Huang <cwhu...@android-x86.org> 
>>> wrote:
>>>> 2016-01-12 19:55 GMT+08:00 陈渝 <yuc...@mail.tsinghua.edu.cn>:
>>>>> hi, Rob, Dave, Zhiwei:
>>>>>  Thank you all!
>>>>> Next I need to update other parts should be in the user level.
>>>>> I need to update drm_gralloc? Do I need to update drm_hwcomposer or 
>>>>> libdrm?
>>>>> Are there any other things I need notice?
>>>> libdrm in marshmallow-x86 is 2.4.66 which is newer enough
>>>> to support it, I think.
>>>> drm_hwcomposer is not been used in marshmallow-x86 yet.
>>>> So don't worry about it.
>>>> The keypoint is to implement the gralloc_drm_virgil3d.c.
>>>> You may look at other gralloc_drm_*.c as examples.
>>> Nope, virgl is a pipe driver and support is already there for the most part.
>> Rob, thank you very much for the input.
>> It's the first time I heard the usage of
>> AOSP's drm_gralloc & drm_hwcomposer from others.
>> Great!
>> Indeed we have tried to enable AOSP's drm_gralloc & drm_hwcomposer
>> in the beginning of marshmallow-x86 porting but failed.
> How far did you get?
>> So we keep to use our implementation.
>> (AOSP's drm_gralloc was forked from our lollipop-x86 branch
>> since about Jan 2015)
>> I'm excited to know you have succeeded to use them.
>> Could you please guide us how to enable them correctly?
> Well, things are not completely working. I've got 1 device config
> which can build for x86 or arm64 (any arch in theory) and runs on x86
> KVM, Dragonboard 410c or arm64 QEMU. x86 KVM seems to work the best. I
> can boot and navigate around a bit until it dies. There's at least 2
> problems.
> After a little bit of navigating around I get errors like this from
> virglrenderer:
> vrend_set_single_sampler_view: context error reported 6
> "ndroid.contacts" Illegal handle 112
> vrend_set_single_sampler_view: context error reported 6
> "ndroid.contacts" Illegal handle 113
> vrend_set_single_sampler_view: context error reported 6
> "ndroid.contacts" Illegal handle 114
> vrend_set_single_sampler_view: context error reported 6
> "ndroid.contacts" Illegal handle 115
> vrend_set_single_sampler_view: context error reported 6
> "ndroid.contacts" Illegal handle 116
> vrend_set_single_sampler_view: context error reported 6
> "ndroid.contacts" Illegal handle 117
> vrend_set_single_sampler_view: context error reported 6
> "ndroid.contacts" Illegal handle 118
> vrend_set_framebuffer_state: context error reported 5
> "ndroid.systemui" Illegal surface 63
> Usually the screen get flipped and drawn in about 1/4 of the original
> screen size after these errors. I can capture a screenshot if
> interested.

I wonder a bit if refcnt'ing imbalance or something like that..
accidentally free'ing the last reference to buffer, and then numeric
handle getting re-used on a different unrelated buffer (for example)
can cause all sorts of fun.

> The 2nd problem is the screen fade to black shader program crashes on
> linking. Seems to have a NULL function name from the stack trace, but
> I've not debugged it further. This triggers whenever the screen off
> timeout triggers.

iirc, android-x86 had something to comment out this shader.  I do
remember it causing a segfault in mesa in the shader compiler.  I did
attempt to reproduce this w/ same shader in a test program (where I
could debug w/ sane gdb env, no java, etc), but no luck.

(If anyone knows how to apitrace android "java stuff".. that might be
a way to get something I could debug.)

I can't find the link to the android-x86 patch anymore, since the git
servers moved (and not even sure if that still applies to more recent


> Freedreno seems to have some additional problem I haven't fully characterized.
>> Any necessary changes?
> Yes, my changes are all pushed into my github acct[1]. Instructions
> are here[2]. The changes are largely build fixes, virtio-gpu support,
> freedreno/dmabuf support from Rob Clark's tree, and hacks around
> issues I've found.
>> Especially, is the vanilla kernel 4.4 ready to use them?
> What I'm using is pretty close to stock 4.4[3]. There's a couple of
> Android patches and some virtio-gpu related changes. The virtio-gpu
> changes are mainly adding atomic support for virtio-gpu. There's some
> others for fb mmap and panning support as well.
> Rob
> [1] https://github.com/robherring?tab=repositories
> [2] 
> https://github.com/robherring/generic_device/wiki/Android-with-DRM-mesa-graphics
> [3] 
> https://git.linaro.org/people/rob.herring/linux.git/shortlog/refs/heads/android-4.4
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