Here a new function link_varyings_and_uniforms() is created this
should help make it easier to follow the code in link_shader()
which was getting very large.

Note the end of the new function contains a for loop with some
lowering calls that currently don't seem related to varyings or
uniforms but they are a dependancy for converting to NIR ealier
which an upcoming series will attempt to do so we move things here
now to keep things easy to follow.
 src/compiler/glsl/linker.cpp | 429 ++++++++++++++++++++++---------------------
 1 file changed, 222 insertions(+), 207 deletions(-)

diff --git a/src/compiler/glsl/linker.cpp b/src/compiler/glsl/linker.cpp
index 6d45a02..02d16ec 100644
--- a/src/compiler/glsl/linker.cpp
+++ b/src/compiler/glsl/linker.cpp
@@ -4475,6 +4475,226 @@ disable_varying_optimizations_for_sso(struct 
gl_shader_program *prog)
+static bool
+link_varyings_and_uniforms(unsigned first, unsigned last,
+                           unsigned num_explicit_uniform_locs,
+                           struct gl_context *ctx,
+                           struct gl_shader_program *prog, void *mem_ctx)
+   bool has_xfb_qualifiers = false;
+   unsigned num_tfeedback_decls = 0;
+   char **varying_names = NULL;
+   tfeedback_decl *tfeedback_decls = NULL;
+   /* Mark all generic shader inputs and outputs as unpaired. */
+   for (unsigned i = MESA_SHADER_VERTEX; i <= MESA_SHADER_FRAGMENT; i++) {
+      if (prog->_LinkedShaders[i] != NULL) {
+         link_invalidate_variable_locations(prog->_LinkedShaders[i]->ir);
+      }
+   }
+   unsigned prev = first;
+   for (unsigned i = prev + 1; i <= MESA_SHADER_FRAGMENT; i++) {
+      if (prog->_LinkedShaders[i] == NULL)
+         continue;
+      match_explicit_outputs_to_inputs(prog->_LinkedShaders[prev],
+                                       prog->_LinkedShaders[i]);
+      prev = i;
+   }
+   if (!assign_attribute_or_color_locations(prog, &ctx->Const,
+                                            MESA_SHADER_VERTEX)) {
+      return false;
+   }
+   if (!assign_attribute_or_color_locations(prog, &ctx->Const,
+                                            MESA_SHADER_FRAGMENT)) {
+      return false;
+   }
+   /* From the ARB_enhanced_layouts spec:
+    *
+    *    "If the shader used to record output variables for transform feedback
+    *    varyings uses the "xfb_buffer", "xfb_offset", or "xfb_stride" layout
+    *    qualifiers, the values specified by TransformFeedbackVaryings are
+    *    ignored, and the set of variables captured for transform feedback is
+    *    instead derived from the specified layout qualifiers."
+    */
+   for (int i = MESA_SHADER_FRAGMENT - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
+      /* Find last stage before fragment shader */
+      if (prog->_LinkedShaders[i]) {
+         has_xfb_qualifiers =
+            process_xfb_layout_qualifiers(mem_ctx, prog->_LinkedShaders[i],
+                                          &num_tfeedback_decls,
+                                          &varying_names);
+         break;
+      }
+   }
+   if (!has_xfb_qualifiers) {
+      num_tfeedback_decls = prog->TransformFeedback.NumVarying;
+      varying_names = prog->TransformFeedback.VaryingNames;
+   }
+   if (num_tfeedback_decls != 0) {
+      /* From GL_EXT_transform_feedback:
+       *   A program will fail to link if:
+       *
+       *   * the <count> specified by TransformFeedbackVaryingsEXT is
+       *     non-zero, but the program object has no vertex or geometry
+       *     shader;
+       */
+      if (first >= MESA_SHADER_FRAGMENT) {
+         linker_error(prog, "Transform feedback varyings specified, but "
+                      "no vertex, tessellation, or geometry shader is "
+                      "present.\n");
+         return false;
+      }
+      tfeedback_decls = ralloc_array(mem_ctx, tfeedback_decl,
+                                     num_tfeedback_decls);
+      if (!parse_tfeedback_decls(ctx, prog, mem_ctx, num_tfeedback_decls,
+                                 varying_names, tfeedback_decls))
+         return false;
+   }
+   /* If there is no fragment shader we need to set transform feedback.
+    *
+    * For SSO we also need to assign output locations.  We assign them here
+    * because we need to do it for both single stage programs and multi stage
+    * programs.
+    */
+   if (last < MESA_SHADER_FRAGMENT &&
+       (num_tfeedback_decls != 0 || prog->SeparateShader)) {
+      const uint64_t reserved_out_slots =
+         reserved_varying_slot(prog->_LinkedShaders[last], ir_var_shader_out);
+      if (!assign_varying_locations(ctx, mem_ctx, prog,
+                                    prog->_LinkedShaders[last], NULL,
+                                    num_tfeedback_decls, tfeedback_decls,
+                                    reserved_out_slots))
+         return false;
+   }
+   if (last <= MESA_SHADER_FRAGMENT) {
+      /* Remove unused varyings from the first/last stage unless SSO */
+      remove_unused_shader_inputs_and_outputs(prog->SeparateShader,
+                                              prog->_LinkedShaders[first],
+                                              ir_var_shader_in);
+      remove_unused_shader_inputs_and_outputs(prog->SeparateShader,
+                                              prog->_LinkedShaders[last],
+                                              ir_var_shader_out);
+      /* If the program is made up of only a single stage */
+      if (first == last) {
+         gl_linked_shader *const sh = prog->_LinkedShaders[last];
+         if (prog->SeparateShader) {
+            const uint64_t reserved_slots =
+               reserved_varying_slot(sh, ir_var_shader_in);
+            /* Assign input locations for SSO, output locations are already
+             * assigned.
+             */
+            if (!assign_varying_locations(ctx, mem_ctx, prog,
+                                          NULL /* producer */,
+                                          sh /* consumer */,
+                                          0 /* num_tfeedback_decls */,
+                                          NULL /* tfeedback_decls */,
+                                          reserved_slots))
+               return false;
+         }
+         do_dead_builtin_varyings(ctx, NULL, sh, 0, NULL);
+         do_dead_builtin_varyings(ctx, sh, NULL, num_tfeedback_decls,
+                                  tfeedback_decls);
+      } else {
+         /* Linking the stages in the opposite order (from fragment to vertex)
+          * ensures that inter-shader outputs written to in an earlier stage
+          * are eliminated if they are (transitively) not used in a later
+          * stage.
+          */
+         int next = last;
+         for (int i = next - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
+            if (prog->_LinkedShaders[i] == NULL && i != 0)
+               continue;
+            gl_linked_shader *const sh_i = prog->_LinkedShaders[i];
+            gl_linked_shader *const sh_next = prog->_LinkedShaders[next];
+            const uint64_t reserved_out_slots =
+               reserved_varying_slot(sh_i, ir_var_shader_out);
+            const uint64_t reserved_in_slots =
+               reserved_varying_slot(sh_next, ir_var_shader_in);
+            if (!assign_varying_locations(ctx, mem_ctx, prog, sh_i, sh_next,
+                      next == MESA_SHADER_FRAGMENT ? num_tfeedback_decls : 0,
+                      tfeedback_decls,
+                      reserved_out_slots | reserved_in_slots))
+               return false;
+            do_dead_builtin_varyings(ctx, sh_i, sh_next,
+                      next == MESA_SHADER_FRAGMENT ? num_tfeedback_decls : 0,
+                      tfeedback_decls);
+            /* This must be done after all dead varyings are eliminated. */
+            if (sh_i != NULL) {
+               unsigned slots_used = _mesa_bitcount_64(reserved_out_slots);
+               if (!check_against_output_limit(ctx, prog, sh_i, slots_used)) {
+                  return false;
+               }
+            }
+            unsigned slots_used = _mesa_bitcount_64(reserved_in_slots);
+            if (!check_against_input_limit(ctx, prog, sh_next, slots_used))
+               return false;
+            next = i;
+         }
+      }
+   }
+   if (!store_tfeedback_info(ctx, prog, num_tfeedback_decls, tfeedback_decls,
+                             has_xfb_qualifiers))
+      return false;
+   update_array_sizes(prog);
+   link_assign_uniform_locations(prog, ctx->Const.UniformBooleanTrue,
+                                 num_explicit_uniform_locs,
+                                 ctx->Const.MaxUserAssignableUniformLocations);
+   link_assign_atomic_counter_resources(ctx, prog);
+   link_calculate_subroutine_compat(prog);
+   check_resources(ctx, prog);
+   check_subroutine_resources(prog);
+   check_image_resources(ctx, prog);
+   link_check_atomic_counter_resources(ctx, prog);
+   if (!prog->LinkStatus)
+      return false;
+   for (unsigned i = 0; i < MESA_SHADER_STAGES; i++) {
+      if (prog->_LinkedShaders[i] == NULL)
+         continue;
+      const struct gl_shader_compiler_options *options =
+         &ctx->Const.ShaderCompilerOptions[i];
+      if (options->LowerBufferInterfaceBlocks)
+         lower_ubo_reference(prog->_LinkedShaders[i],
+                             options->ClampBlockIndicesToArrayBounds);
+      if (options->LowerShaderSharedVariables)
+         lower_shared_reference(prog->_LinkedShaders[i],
+                                &prog->Comp.SharedSize);
+      lower_vector_derefs(prog->_LinkedShaders[i]);
+      do_vec_index_to_swizzle(prog->_LinkedShaders[i]->ir);
+   }
+   return true;
 link_shaders(struct gl_context *ctx, struct gl_shader_program *prog)
@@ -4501,11 +4721,7 @@ link_shaders(struct gl_context *ctx, struct 
gl_shader_program *prog)
-   unsigned num_tfeedback_decls = 0;
    unsigned int num_explicit_uniform_locs = 0;
-   bool has_xfb_qualifiers = false;
-   char **varying_names = NULL;
-   tfeedback_decl *tfeedback_decls = NULL;
    void *mem_ctx = ralloc_context(NULL); // temporary linker context
@@ -4799,192 +5015,10 @@ link_shaders(struct gl_context *ctx, struct 
gl_shader_program *prog)
    /* Check and validate stream emissions in geometry shaders */
    validate_geometry_shader_emissions(ctx, prog);
-   /* Mark all generic shader inputs and outputs as unpaired. */
-   for (unsigned i = MESA_SHADER_VERTEX; i <= MESA_SHADER_FRAGMENT; i++) {
-      if (prog->_LinkedShaders[i] != NULL) {
-         link_invalidate_variable_locations(prog->_LinkedShaders[i]->ir);
-      }
-   }
-   prev = first;
-   for (unsigned i = prev + 1; i <= MESA_SHADER_FRAGMENT; i++) {
-      if (prog->_LinkedShaders[i] == NULL)
-         continue;
-      match_explicit_outputs_to_inputs(prog->_LinkedShaders[prev],
-                                       prog->_LinkedShaders[i]);
-      prev = i;
-   }
-   if (!assign_attribute_or_color_locations(prog, &ctx->Const,
-                                            MESA_SHADER_VERTEX)) {
-      goto done;
-   }
-   if (!assign_attribute_or_color_locations(prog, &ctx->Const,
-                                            MESA_SHADER_FRAGMENT)) {
-      goto done;
-   }
-   /* From the ARB_enhanced_layouts spec:
-    *
-    *    "If the shader used to record output variables for transform feedback
-    *    varyings uses the "xfb_buffer", "xfb_offset", or "xfb_stride" layout
-    *    qualifiers, the values specified by TransformFeedbackVaryings are
-    *    ignored, and the set of variables captured for transform feedback is
-    *    instead derived from the specified layout qualifiers."
-    */
-   for (int i = MESA_SHADER_FRAGMENT - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
-      /* Find last stage before fragment shader */
-      if (prog->_LinkedShaders[i]) {
-         has_xfb_qualifiers =
-            process_xfb_layout_qualifiers(mem_ctx, prog->_LinkedShaders[i],
-                                          &num_tfeedback_decls,
-                                          &varying_names);
-         break;
-      }
-   }
-   if (!has_xfb_qualifiers) {
-      num_tfeedback_decls = prog->TransformFeedback.NumVarying;
-      varying_names = prog->TransformFeedback.VaryingNames;
-   }
-   if (num_tfeedback_decls != 0) {
-      /* From GL_EXT_transform_feedback:
-       *   A program will fail to link if:
-       *
-       *   * the <count> specified by TransformFeedbackVaryingsEXT is
-       *     non-zero, but the program object has no vertex or geometry
-       *     shader;
-       */
-      if (first >= MESA_SHADER_FRAGMENT) {
-         linker_error(prog, "Transform feedback varyings specified, but "
-                      "no vertex, tessellation, or geometry shader is "
-                      "present.\n");
-         goto done;
-      }
-      tfeedback_decls = ralloc_array(mem_ctx, tfeedback_decl,
-                                     num_tfeedback_decls);
-      if (!parse_tfeedback_decls(ctx, prog, mem_ctx, num_tfeedback_decls,
-                                 varying_names, tfeedback_decls))
-         goto done;
-   }
-   /* If there is no fragment shader we need to set transform feedback.
-    *
-    * For SSO we also need to assign output locations.  We assign them here
-    * because we need to do it for both single stage programs and multi stage
-    * programs.
-    */
-   if (last < MESA_SHADER_FRAGMENT &&
-       (num_tfeedback_decls != 0 || prog->SeparateShader)) {
-      const uint64_t reserved_out_slots =
-         reserved_varying_slot(prog->_LinkedShaders[last], ir_var_shader_out);
-      if (!assign_varying_locations(ctx, mem_ctx, prog,
-                                    prog->_LinkedShaders[last], NULL,
-                                    num_tfeedback_decls, tfeedback_decls,
-                                    reserved_out_slots))
-         goto done;
-   }
-   if (last <= MESA_SHADER_FRAGMENT) {
-      /* Remove unused varyings from the first/last stage unless SSO */
-      remove_unused_shader_inputs_and_outputs(prog->SeparateShader,
-                                              prog->_LinkedShaders[first],
-                                              ir_var_shader_in);
-      remove_unused_shader_inputs_and_outputs(prog->SeparateShader,
-                                              prog->_LinkedShaders[last],
-                                              ir_var_shader_out);
-      /* If the program is made up of only a single stage */
-      if (first == last) {
-         gl_linked_shader *const sh = prog->_LinkedShaders[last];
-         if (prog->SeparateShader) {
-            const uint64_t reserved_slots =
-               reserved_varying_slot(sh, ir_var_shader_in);
-            /* Assign input locations for SSO, output locations are already
-             * assigned.
-             */
-            if (!assign_varying_locations(ctx, mem_ctx, prog,
-                                          NULL /* producer */,
-                                          sh /* consumer */,
-                                          0 /* num_tfeedback_decls */,
-                                          NULL /* tfeedback_decls */,
-                                          reserved_slots))
-               goto done;
-         }
-         do_dead_builtin_varyings(ctx, NULL, sh, 0, NULL);
-         do_dead_builtin_varyings(ctx, sh, NULL, num_tfeedback_decls,
-                                  tfeedback_decls);
-      } else {
-         /* Linking the stages in the opposite order (from fragment to vertex)
-          * ensures that inter-shader outputs written to in an earlier stage
-          * are eliminated if they are (transitively) not used in a later
-          * stage.
-          */
-         int next = last;
-         for (int i = next - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
-            if (prog->_LinkedShaders[i] == NULL && i != 0)
-               continue;
-            gl_linked_shader *const sh_i = prog->_LinkedShaders[i];
-            gl_linked_shader *const sh_next = prog->_LinkedShaders[next];
-            const uint64_t reserved_out_slots =
-               reserved_varying_slot(sh_i, ir_var_shader_out);
-            const uint64_t reserved_in_slots =
-               reserved_varying_slot(sh_next, ir_var_shader_in);
-            if (!assign_varying_locations(ctx, mem_ctx, prog, sh_i, sh_next,
-                      next == MESA_SHADER_FRAGMENT ? num_tfeedback_decls : 0,
-                      tfeedback_decls,
-                      reserved_out_slots | reserved_in_slots))
-               goto done;
-            do_dead_builtin_varyings(ctx, sh_i, sh_next,
-                      next == MESA_SHADER_FRAGMENT ? num_tfeedback_decls : 0,
-                      tfeedback_decls);
-            /* This must be done after all dead varyings are eliminated. */
-            if (sh_i != NULL) {
-               unsigned slots_used = _mesa_bitcount_64(reserved_out_slots);
-               if (!check_against_output_limit(ctx, prog, sh_i, slots_used)) {
-                  goto done;
-               }
-            }
-            unsigned slots_used = _mesa_bitcount_64(reserved_in_slots);
-            if (!check_against_input_limit(ctx, prog, sh_next, slots_used))
-               goto done;
-            next = i;
-         }
-      }
-   }
-   if (!store_tfeedback_info(ctx, prog, num_tfeedback_decls, tfeedback_decls,
-                             has_xfb_qualifiers))
-      goto done;
-   update_array_sizes(prog);
-   link_assign_uniform_locations(prog, ctx->Const.UniformBooleanTrue,
-                                 num_explicit_uniform_locs,
-                                 ctx->Const.MaxUserAssignableUniformLocations);
-   link_assign_atomic_counter_resources(ctx, prog);
-   link_calculate_subroutine_compat(prog);
-   check_resources(ctx, prog);
-   check_subroutine_resources(prog);
-   check_image_resources(ctx, prog);
-   link_check_atomic_counter_resources(ctx, prog);
-   if (!prog->LinkStatus)
+   if(!link_varyings_and_uniforms(first, last, num_explicit_uniform_locs, ctx,
+                                  prog, mem_ctx))
       goto done;
    /* OpenGL ES < 3.1 requires that a vertex shader and a fragment shader both
@@ -5022,25 +5056,6 @@ link_shaders(struct gl_context *ctx, struct 
gl_shader_program *prog)
-   for (unsigned i = 0; i < MESA_SHADER_STAGES; i++) {
-      if (prog->_LinkedShaders[i] == NULL)
-        continue;
-      const struct gl_shader_compiler_options *options =
-         &ctx->Const.ShaderCompilerOptions[i];
-      if (options->LowerBufferInterfaceBlocks)
-         lower_ubo_reference(prog->_LinkedShaders[i],
-                             options->ClampBlockIndicesToArrayBounds);
-      if (options->LowerShaderSharedVariables)
-         lower_shared_reference(prog->_LinkedShaders[i],
-                                &prog->Comp.SharedSize);
-      lower_vector_derefs(prog->_LinkedShaders[i]);
-      do_vec_index_to_swizzle(prog->_LinkedShaders[i]->ir);
-   }
    for (unsigned i = 0; i < MESA_SHADER_STAGES; i++) {

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