On 09.08.2016 16:59, Nicolai Hähnle wrote:

> So shared linking is right out.

Not exactly. Just everything needs to be linked against the matching
versions. More a dist-layer problem.

addrlibs folks should learn to introduce a proper versioning and
provide MVCC-capable build rules. That really isn't hard.
> Static linking or just including source files from a separate repository
> could be considered, but then what's the process for ensuring you have
> the right version?

pkgconfig ?

> The nice aspect of submodules is that every commit of the Mesa
> repository "knows" what the corresponding right version of addrlib is,
> and so git can update the submodule to the correct version for you
> automatically.

No, it can only checkout the ref'ed commit or anywhere else the user
tells it to. Just jumping to the head does exactly *not* jump to
anything like an correct version. And that's all that git can do
for you automatically.


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