On Tue, Nov 29, 2016 at 12:48 PM Kristian H. Kristensen <hoegsb...@gmail.com>

> Hi,
> Here's a few patches to the genxml files that I've been sitting on. The
> main part of the series is about emitting C enums for genxml enums, so
> it looks nice and pretty in gdb. It also adds support to aubinator so
> it knows how to decode enums as well as the inline values Lionel added
> support for:
>     Surface Array: true
>     Surface Format: 2 (R32G32B32A32_UINT)
>     Surface Vertical Alignment: 1 (VALIGN 4)
> Look at that surface format being decoded! Patch 17 is "take it or
> leave it". I know nothing in mesa needs unpack functions, but I wouldn't
> mind having it upstream so I don't lose it (again).

Oh, and true to form, I forgot the most important point: patch 16 is a
fix for the compute shader KSP being split across a innocuous looking
32 bit field and a 16 bit "Kernel Start Pointer High" field. The driver
doesn't know this
and only sets KernelStartPointer. As long as anv uses instruction base
offset, it's unlikely to
cause a problem, but should be fixed.

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