On Tue, 21 Mar 2017, Dylan Baker <dy...@pnwbakers.com> wrote:
> Quoting Jani Nikula (2017-03-21 07:44:55)
>> How does meson handle build file backwards compatibility between meson
>> versions? I don't intend to flame, but I've found for some reason many
>> python projects don't seem to take this very seriously. Either having
>> conditionals in build files to support building with several meson
>> versions or always requiring the latest and greatest version would be
>> rather annoying.
> Meson makes backwards compatible changes, and the version can be
> queried using `meson.version()`, which works using meson's version
> comparison mechanism. I would say this about meson, it's not a 'python
> project', it's 'a project written in python',

This is what I meant above, although I clearly didn't write it that way.

> and they've taken great pains to not expose python in meson, and
> reserve the right to reimplement in a different language if python
> becomes an issue.

Right. That helps avoid many of the issues e.g. Sphinx has with the
configuration files being pure python.


Jani Nikula, Intel Open Source Technology Center
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