On 08/04/17 23:07, Jose Fonseca wrote:
On 08/04/17 00:24, Dylan Baker wrote:
Quoting Jose Fonseca (2017-03-30 15:19:31)

Cool.  BTW, another alternative (for things like LLVM) would  be to
chain build systems (ie, have a wrap that builds LLVM invoking CMake)


I have no idea whether chaining would work or not, that would be an
thing to try.

I have force pushed to the meson branch. Things are building on Linux
with both
mingw, gcc, and clang. I've wrapped freeglut and glew, and pulled out
the epoxy
stuff. The mingw cross build does rely on an unmerged patch (that is
just awaiting merge) for mingw windres support in the cross file. That
be a problem for msvc or building natively with mingw.

I have not done any of the msvc work or either mesa-demos or for
freeglut or
glew. Hopefully this gets things far enough along that you can get
msvc going
when you have some time.


Thanks.  I hit an errors early on with MSVC.

I fixed a few, but I didn't spend much time on it.  Instead I added
AppVeyor integration so anybody can experiment.



I had to push to a private git repos since I'd need a FDO admin to
install Appveyor hook on the official mesa demos repo.  I'll get that
going but it'll probably take time.

Given you use Github, it should be trivial to hook Appveyor on your
mesademos repos in github.


I've been trying to get native mingw to build. (It's still important to prototype mesademos with MSVC to ensure meson is up to the task, but long term, I think I'll push for dropping MSVC support from mesademos and piglit, since MinGW is fine for this sort of samples/tests programs.)

However native MinGW fails poorly:

[78/1058] Static linking library src/util/libutil.a
FAILED: src/util/libutil.a
cmd /c del /f /s /q src/util/libutil.a && ar @src/util/libutil.a.rsp
Invalid switch - "util".

So the problem here is that meson is passing `/` separator to the cmd.exe del command, instead of `\`.

Full log https://ci.appveyor.com/project/jrfonseca/mesademos/build/job/6rpen94u7yq3q69n

TBH, this is basic windows functionality, and if it can't get it right then it shakes my belief that's it's getting proper windows testing...

I think part of the problem is that per https://github.com/mesonbuild/meson/blob/master/.appveyor.yml Meson is only being tested with MSYS (which provides a full-blow POSIX environment on Windows), and not with plain MinGW.

IMHO, MSYS is a hack to get packages that use autotools to build with MinGW. Packages that use Windows aware build systems (like Meson is trying to be) should stay as _far_ as possible from MSYS....

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