
This is unlikely to have any performance benefit except for maybe Vega
and Raven.

The goals of this series are:
- Remove 4 user SGPRs by merging per-shader descriptor arrays. Shader
  buffers and constant buffers share one array. Samplers and images
  share the other one.
- Only upload (or dump to L2) those descriptor slots that are used by
  shaders. For example, it no longer does 2KB uploads of sampler slots
  in most situations.
- For GFX9, allocate only those descriptors slots in CE RAM that are
  likely to be used by apps. If some shader needs more, the driver
  will upload the bigger array directly instead of using CE. This will
  switch dynamically based on what the current shader needs. CE RAM
  on GFX9 is actually large enough to handle most apps, we just need
  to use it intelligently.

Please review.

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