On Fri, Dec 16, 2011 at 7:38 PM, James Jones <jajo...@nvidia.com> wrote:
> On 12/16/11 4:27 PM, Younes Manton wrote:
>> On Fri, Dec 16, 2011 at 7:01 PM, James Cloos<cl...@jhcloos.com>  wrote:
>>> I've been trying to test out vdpau w/o success.
>>> It turns out that libvdpau_r600.so is in /usr/lib64/vdpau/, whereas
>>> everything looks for it in the standard ld path (ie, /usr/lib64).
>>> With »ln -s vdpau/libvdpau_r600.so /usr/lib64/« it seems to work.
>>> Is mesa wrong to install the libs to ${libdir}/vdpau, or is libvdpau
>>> and the apps wrong to look for them in ${libdir}?
>>> (Everything was compiled locally; most of the fdo stuff from git master.)
>>> -JimC
>>> --
>>> James Cloos<cl...@jhcloos.com>           OpenPGP: 1024D/ED7DAEA6
>> Mesa is probably wrong. You can specify it with ./configure
>> --with-vdpau-libdir= of course, but I can't think of a good reason to
>> have the default be not in the usually searched paths.
> The correct dir is <LIBDIR>/vdpau.  From here:
>  http://cgit.freedesktop.org/~aplattner/libvdpau/tree/configure.ac:72
> Do you have an older libvdpau.so?
> We had a long debate over this internally and decided it was better to have
> the backends in a non-searchpath directory.  I believe the idea was to
> discourage directly linking to them, and to roughly follow the lead of
> OpenCL in this area, but my memory is getting foggy.  Before we made the
> switch, old NVIDIA builds of libvdpau.so looked in <LIBDIR> and installed
> libvdpau_nvidia.so there as well.
> Thanks,
> -James
> nvpublic

Makes sense, thanks. By 'usually searched paths' what I was actually
had in mind was 'wherever libvdpau.so searches for it'; though I too
thought it was still <LIBDIR> since I'm running one of the older
drivers that has it there and I never actually install Mesa.
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