Jason Ekstrand <ja...@jlekstrand.net> writes:

> The setTexBuffer2 hook from GLX is used to implement glxBindTexImageEXT
> which has tighter restrictions than just "it's shared".  In particular,
> it says that any rendering to the image while it is bound causes the
> contents to become undefined.  This means that we can do whatever aux
> tracking we want between glxBindTexImageEXT and glxReleaseTexImageEXT so
> long as we always transition from external in Bind and to external in
> Release.

The intent of the spec was to get at the hard-to-define "you get pixels
at least as new as the outstanding X11 rendering when you called
glxBindTexImageEXT(), but if X11 keeps on rendering to the thing then
you may get newer pixels, too."  With your CCS plan and X11 rendering in
parallel with you GL texturing from the X11 pixmap, will we always see
either old or new pixels but not anything else?

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