On 09/15/2017 01:06 AM, Chad Versace wrote:
This implementation is correct (afaict), but takes two shortcuts
regarding the import/export of Android sync fds.

   Shortcut 1. When Android calls vkAcquireImageANDROID to import a sync
   fd into a VkSemaphore or VkFence, the driver instead simply blocks on
   the sync fd, then puts the VkSemaphore or VkFence into the signalled
   state. Thanks to implicit sync, this produces correct behavior (with
   extra latency overhead, perhaps) despite its ugliness.

   Shortcut 2. When Android calls vkQueueSignalReleaseImageANDROID to export
   a collection of wait semaphores as a sync fd, the driver instead
   submits the semaphores to the queue, then returns sync fd -1, which
   informs the caller that no additional synchronization is needed.
   Again, thanks to implicit sync, this produces correct behavior (with
   extra batch submission overhead) despite its ugliness.

I chose to take the shortcuts instead of properly importing/exporting
the sync fds for two reasons:

   Reason 1. I've already tested this patch with dEQP and with demos
   apps. It works. I wanted to get the tested patches into the tree now,
   and polish the implementation afterwards.

   Reason 2. I want to run this on a 3.18 kernel (gasp!). In 3.18, i915
   supports neither Android's sync_fence, nor upstream's sync_file, nor
   drm_syncobj. Again, I tested these patches on Android with a 3.18
   kernel and they work.

I plan to quickly follow-up with patches that remove the shortcuts and
properly import/export the sync fds.

I did not test at all using the Android.mk buildsystem. I probably
broke it. Please test and review that.

I tested with 64-bit ARC++ on a Skylake Chromebook and a 3.18 kernel.
The following pass:

   a little spinning cube demo APK

   - Reject VkNativeBufferANDROID if the dma-buf's size is too small for
     the VkImage.
   - Stop abusing VkNativeBufferANDROID by passing it to vkAllocateMemory
     during vkCreateImage. Instead, directly import its dma-buf during
     vkCreateImage with anv_bo_cache_import(). [for jekstrand]
   - Rebase onto Tapani's VK_EXT_debug_report changes.
   - Drop `CPPFLAGS += $(top_srcdir)/include/android`. The dir does not

   - Delete duplicate #include "anv_private.h". [per Tapani]
   - Try to fix the Android-IA build in Android.vulkan.mk by following
     Tapani's example in
     But I truncated the added include path from
     "frameworks/native/vulkan/include/hardware" to
     "frameworks/native/vulkan/include", and inserted it *after*
     $(MESA_TOP)/include/vulkan, so that #include <hardware/hwvulkan.h>
     hopefully works in both the Autotools and Android.mk build.

Unfortunately this does not seem to do the trick, I can see Mesa include is before the frameworks one but I still get the errors. I'll try to figure out some cure.

build log: http://tpalli.kapsi.fi/vulkan.log

// Tapani
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