On Sat, Oct 14, 2017 at 1:36 AM, Dylan Baker <dy...@pnwbakers.com> wrote:
> I'm not sure about this approach, we would need a way to add depends to meson,
> but I'm also worried that calling make adds another dependency that could be
> problematic for windows, and I really don't like the idea of having a
> half-and-half approach with the sources.
> Here's what I've been playing with:
> https://github.com/dcbaker/meson/tree/make-import-module
> https://github.com/dcbaker/mesa/tree/wip/meson-makefile-sources
> How would you feel about that?

Couldn't you just use the Makefile parser José wrote for the scons
build, that would avoid running make and waiting for a new version of
Meson. Or is there something it is lacking?

We could start out with our own Makefile parser and then move onto one
in Meson once it is upstreamed and that version of meson is commonly

Cheers, Jakob.
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