On 15/11/17 12:20, Eric Engestrom wrote:
On Wednesday, 2017-11-15 10:35:04 +0000, Jose Fonseca wrote:
I could post a remark on AppVeyor's forums, but it sounds from the
logs the issue could be on our (freedesktop.org's) side.

I've reconfigured AppVeyor to use
https://anongit.freedesktop.org/git/mesa/mesa.git/ instead of
git://anongit.freedesktop.org/mesa/mesa .  Perhaps fewer things can go
wrong when using HTTP.

I seem to remember cloning through http was much more cpu intensive,
which was an issue on the fdo servers; I'm not sure we want to do that
for each commit now.

We can keep that for a while though, if only to see if it makes
a difference in appveyor.

HTTP doesn't seem to make a difference:


I'll revert to git protocol.

Still no solution for these errors though.

If I no other solution is found, I could switch AppVeyor to use https://github.com/mesa3d/mesa mirror instead. Whatever side of AppVeyor<->FDO the problem is, using github should avoid it.

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