On Jan 22, 2018, at 12:02 PM, Chuck Atkins 
<chuck.atk...@kitware.com<mailto:chuck.atk...@kitware.com>> wrote:

Hi Emil,

Fixes: a4be2bcee2f ("swr: allow a single swr architecture to be builtin")

It doesn't fix anything that was broken from that commit.  The issues with 
error handling were already present before then, it's just that the changes in 
a4be2bcee2f were substantial so this commit works off the result of the 
previous.  So really it would be "Depends on: " rather than "Fixes: ".

Right this cleans up after the following commit - please include the tag.
Don't bother re-sending.

Not sure how I would go about that since I don't have push access.  The ML is 
really the only mechanism I have to send commits to the git repo.  Given that 
I've been submitting patches from time to time for the past two years or so 
(not often, but every few months I have a handful), should I go ahead and apply 
for an account now?


Don’t worry about it, I will check in this change, and include the tag while 
checking in.  I’ll do that after I finish my testing.  You can, of course, 
apply for an account; that’s completely orthogonal.

Which bring up the question, Emil, when does the branch happen?  I haven’t seen 
any new branches/tags in mesa/master.



- Chuck
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