Quoting Dylan Baker (2018-05-06 12:38:54)
> On May 4, 2018 5:44:25 PM PDT, Chad Versace <chadvers...@chromium.org> wrote:
> >
> >The BUG line should be converted to any of the following trailer lines:
> >
> >    Bug: https://crbug.com/776903
> >        (This is my favorite).
> >    Fixes: https://crbug.com/776903
> >        (But only use Fixes if it fully fixes the bug).
> Please only use Fixes: to declare that this patch fixed another patch, as 
> noted in the documentation.

Sorry for the very terse reply, I was on my phone.

The tag "Fixes:" has special meaning in a mesa commit, it instructs the release
manager that this patch fixes the patch referenced by the tag. The release
manager can then use automated tooling to apply such patches to the appropriate
stable branches.

The form for that is:
Fixes: abcdef1234567890 ("foo: Add a fooToInt function")

I would recommend the "Bug:" tag, as it is clear, but doesn't overload any tags
already used in the project.


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