----- Original Message -----
> On Die, 2012-03-06 at 05:11 -0800, Benoit Jacob wrote:
> That said, there's no denying that your use case is relatively
> special,
> so a more specialized solution which preserves some GLES API calls
> might
> provide significantly better performance. On the other hand,
> Gallium3D
> should facilitate covering more APIs, e.g. right now OpenVG and a few
> video APIs are implemented on top of Gallium3D. No idea if that's of
> any
> concern for you though.

The goal is to help port real-world applications such as games. Besides OpenGL 
[ES], the other API that is widely used in the real world is Direct3D (9 and 
10), so that's what would be the most interesting. I've heard about a Direct3D 
implementation on top of Gallium3D but don't know its status.


> --
> Earthling Michel Dänzer           |
>                   http://www.amd.com
> Libre software enthusiast         |          Debian, X and DRI
> developer
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