NIR assumes that all booleans are 32-bit but Intel hardware produces
booleans of the same size as the operands to the CMP instruction, so we
can actually have 8-bit and 16-bit booleans. To work around this
mismatch between NIR and the hardware, we emit boolean conversions to
32-bit right after emitting the CMP instruction during the NIR->FS
pass, which makes interfacing with NIR a lot easier, but can leave
unnecessary boolean conversions in the shader code.

This optimization tries to identify instructions that source from these
conversions and rewrite them to use the original 16-bit boolean result
when possible, hoping that we can later eliminate the 32-bit conversions.

For example, it turns this:

cmp.g.f0(16)    g10<1>HF        (abs)g19<16,8,2>  HF Half Float IMM
mov(16)         g8<1>D          g10<8,8,1>W
mov(16)         g10<1>F         -g8<8,8,1>D


cmp.g.f0(16)    g25<1>HF        (abs)g19<16,8,2>  HF Half Float IMM
mov(16)         g8<1>F          -g25<8,8,1>W

It is worth pointing out that when the original shader has native
boolean expressions of different bit-sizes, it could lead to situations
where we end up operating these booleans together, such in the following

int   a, b;
int16 c, d;
if ((a < b) && (c < d)) {

According to the PRMs (at least since IVB) all logical instructions (CMP,
NOT, AND, OR, XOR) and also non-logical instructions that could read read
boolean operands (MOV, SEL) state:

Src Types             Dst Types
*B, *W, *D            *B, *W, *D

Which indicates that these instructions can handle booleans of different
bit-sizes. I have been doing some ad-hoc testing of these scenarios using
VkRunner to verify this and didn't find any indication that this is not
working. Also, I noticed that we already have code in the driver that is
already exploiting this behavior. For example, the helper-invocation tests
in piglit produce GPU code like this:

shr(16) vgrf1:UW, g1<0>:UB, ???
and(16) vgrf2:UD, -vgrf1:UW, 65537u
 src/intel/compiler/brw_fs.cpp | 232 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 src/intel/compiler/brw_fs.h   |   1 +
 2 files changed, 233 insertions(+)

diff --git a/src/intel/compiler/brw_fs.cpp b/src/intel/compiler/brw_fs.cpp
index 458c534c9c7..ebb6307289d 100644
--- a/src/intel/compiler/brw_fs.cpp
+++ b/src/intel/compiler/brw_fs.cpp
@@ -3014,6 +3014,237 @@ fs_visitor::opt_peephole_csel()
    return progress;
+ * For a given integer register type representing a boolean value, obtain
+ * the signed version of the type, which is required to get sign-extension
+ * for producing correct boolean values when converting to larger bit-sizes.
+ */
+static brw_reg_type
+get_signed_bool_type(brw_reg_type type)
+   switch (type) {
+      return BRW_REGISTER_TYPE_D;
+      return BRW_REGISTER_TYPE_W;
+      return BRW_REGISTER_TYPE_B;
+   default:
+      assert(!"Invalid boolean register type");
+   }
+static bool
+inst_supports_boolean(fs_inst *inst)
+   switch (inst->opcode) {
+   case BRW_OPCODE_MOV:
+   case BRW_OPCODE_CMP:
+   case BRW_OPCODE_SEL:
+   case BRW_OPCODE_NOT:
+   case BRW_OPCODE_AND:
+   case BRW_OPCODE_OR:
+   case BRW_OPCODE_XOR:
+      return true;
+   default:
+      return false;
+   }
+ * Modifies the type of a boolean register to accomodate it to the given
+ * bit-size while preserving signedness of its original type.
+ */
+static inline fs_reg
+fix_bool_reg_bit_size(fs_reg reg, unsigned bit_size)
+   const brw_reg_type bool_type =
+      brw_reg_type_from_bit_size(bit_size, reg.type);
+   return retype(reg, bool_type);
+ * Propagates the bit-size of the destination of a boolean instruction to
+ * all its consumers. If propagate_from_source is True, then the producer
+ * is a conversion MOV from a low bit-size boolean to 32-bit, and in that
+ * case the propagation happens from the source of the instruction instead
+ * of its destination.
+ */
+static bool
+propagate_bool_bit_size(fs_inst *inst, bool propagate_from_source)
+   assert(!propagate_from_source || inst->opcode == BRW_OPCODE_MOV);
+   bool progress = false;
+   const unsigned bit_size = 8 * (propagate_from_source ?
+      type_sz(inst->src[0].type) : type_sz(inst->dst.type));
+   /* Look for any follow-up instructions that sources from the boolean
+    * result of the producer instruction and rewrite them to use the correct
+    * bit-size.
+    */
+   foreach_inst_in_block_starting_from(fs_inst, fixup_inst, inst) {
+      if (!inst_supports_boolean(fixup_inst))
+         continue;
+      /* For MOV instructions we can always rewrite the boolean source
+       * if the instrucion reads the same region we produced in the
+       * 32-bit conversion.
+       */
+      if (fixup_inst->opcode == BRW_OPCODE_MOV &&
+          region_match(inst->dst, inst->size_written,
+                       fixup_inst->src[0], fixup_inst->size_read(0))) {
+         if (propagate_from_source) {
+            fixup_inst->src[0].file = inst->src[0].file;
+            fixup_inst->src[0].nr = inst->src[0].nr;
+         }
+         fixup_inst->src[0] =
+            fix_bool_reg_bit_size(fixup_inst->src[0], bit_size);
+         progress = true;
+         continue;
+      }
+      /* For logical instructions we have the same restriction as for MOVs,
+       * and we also need to:
+       *
+       * 1. Propagate the bit-size to the boolean destination of the
+       *    instruction.
+       * 2. Rewrite any instruction that reads the destination to use
+       *    the new bit-size.
+       *
+       * However, we can only do these if we can rewrite all the operands
+       * to use the same bit-size.
+       */
+      bool progress_logical = false;
+      bool same_bit_size = true;
+      for (unsigned i = 0; i < fixup_inst->sources; i++) {
+         if (region_match(inst->dst, inst->size_written,
+                          fixup_inst->src[i], fixup_inst->size_read(i))) {
+            if (propagate_from_source) {
+               fixup_inst->src[i].file = inst->src[0].file;
+               fixup_inst->src[i].nr = inst->src[0].nr;
+            }
+            fixup_inst->src[i] =
+               fix_bool_reg_bit_size(fixup_inst->src[i], bit_size);
+            progress_logical = true;
+            progress = true;
+         }
+         if (i > 0 &&
+             type_sz(fixup_inst->src[i].type) !=
+             type_sz(fixup_inst->src[i - 1].type)) {
+            same_bit_size = false;
+         }
+      }
+      /* If we have successfully rewritten a logical instruction operand
+       * to use a smaller bit-size boolean and all the operands in the
+       * instruction have the same small bit-size, then propagate the
+       * new bit-size to the destination boolean and do the same for all
+       * follow-up instructions that read from it.
+       */
+      if (progress_logical && same_bit_size) {
+         fixup_inst->dst = retype(fixup_inst->dst, fixup_inst->src[0].type);
+         propagate_bool_bit_size(fixup_inst, false);
+      }
+   }
+   return progress;
+/* Tries to remove conversions from low bit-size booleans to 32-bit that
+ * are injected in the program during the NIR->FS pass. This optimization
+ * assumes that these conversions are inserted right after CMP instructions
+ * so it should be run early after generating FS IR, before other
+ * optimizations or lowering passes have a chance of shuffling the code
+ * around, breaking that assumption.
+ */
+   bool progress = false;
+   foreach_block_and_inst_safe(block, fs_inst, inst, cfg) {
+      if (inst->opcode == BRW_OPCODE_CMP &&
+          inst->dst.file == VGRF &&
+          type_sz(inst->dst.type) < 4) {
+         /* Check if the instruction right after the CMP is a straight 
+          * of the low bit-size boolean result of the CMP to 32-bit. This
+          * requires:
+          *
+          * 1. It is a MOV instruction sourcing from the CMP destination.
+          * 2. It is not a partial write or read.
+          * 3. The conversion is either HF->F or [B,W]->D. For the integer
+          *    case we need to ensure that no signed/unsigned conversion is
+          *    happening.
+          * 4. There are not source or saturation modifiers involved.
+          */
+         fs_inst *conv_inst = (fs_inst *) inst->next;
+         if (conv_inst->opcode != BRW_OPCODE_MOV ||
+             conv_inst->src[0].file != inst->dst.file ||
+             conv_inst->src[0].nr != inst-> ||
+             conv_inst->is_partial_write() ||
+             !conv_inst->src[0].is_contiguous() ||
+             conv_inst->src[0].offset % REG_SIZE != 0 ||
+             type_sz(conv_inst->src[0].type) > 2 ||
+             type_sz(conv_inst->dst.type) != 4 ||
+             brw_reg_type_from_bit_size(32, conv_inst->src[0].type) !=
+               conv_inst->dst.type ||
+             conv_inst->src[0].abs ||
+             conv_inst->src[0].negate ||
+             conv_inst->saturate)
+            continue;
+         /* If it is a plain boolean conversion to 32-bit, then look for any
+          * follow-up instructions that source from the 32-bit boolean and
+          * rewrite them to source from the output of the CMP (which is the
+          * source of the conversion instruction) directly if possible.
+          */
+         progress = propagate_bool_bit_size(conv_inst, true) || progress;
+      }
+#if 0
+       else if (inst_supports_boolean(inst) && inst->sources > 1) {
+         /* For all logical instructions that can take more than one operand
+          * we need to ensure that all of them have matching bit-sizes. If they
+          * don't, it means that the original shader code is operating boolean
+          * expressions with different native bit-sizes and we need to choose
+          * a canonical boolean form for all the operands, which requires to
+          * inject conversions to temporaries. We choose the bit-size of the
+          * destination as the canonical form (which must be a 32-bit boolean
+          * since we only propagate smaller bit-sizes to the destination if we
+          * managed to convert all the operands to the same bit-size) because
+          * that way we don't need to worry about propagating the destination
+          * bit-size down the line.
+          */
+         for (unsigned i = 0; i < inst->sources; i++) {
+            if (type_sz(inst->src[i].type) != type_sz(inst->dst.type)) {
+               assert(type_sz(inst->dst.type) == 4);
+               const fs_builder ibld =
+        , inst).group(dispatch_width, 0);
+               fs_reg tmp = ibld.vgrf(BRW_REGISTER_TYPE_D);
+               fs_reg src = retype(inst->src[i],
+                                   get_signed_bool_type(inst->src[i].type));
+               src.negate = false;
+               src.abs = false;
+               ibld.MOV(tmp, src);
+               tmp.negate = inst->src[i].negate;
+               tmp.abs = inst->src[i].abs;
+               inst->src[i] =
+                  retype(tmp, brw_reg_type_from_bit_size(32, 
+               progress = true;
+            }
+         }
+      }
+   }
+   return progress;
@@ -6240,6 +6471,7 @@ fs_visitor::optimize()
+   OPT(opt_bool_bit_size);
    do {
       progress = false;
diff --git a/src/intel/compiler/brw_fs.h b/src/intel/compiler/brw_fs.h
index c4d5ebee239..d6102a31849 100644
--- a/src/intel/compiler/brw_fs.h
+++ b/src/intel/compiler/brw_fs.h
@@ -145,6 +145,7 @@ public:
                                    exec_list *acp);
    bool opt_drop_redundant_mov_to_flags();
    bool opt_register_renaming();
+   bool opt_bool_bit_size();
    bool opt_bank_conflicts();
    unsigned bank_conflict_cycles(const fs_inst *inst) const;
    bool register_coalesce();

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