What's the point of maintaining Travis? Shouldn't we just drop it in favour of Gitlab CI? IIRC, Igalia worked on it.

On 12/12/18 8:45 AM, Rhys Kidd wrote:
Emil and Dylan,

I took a go at addressing the limited number of remaining meson-based
travis-ci errors. This series applies on top of the work Dylan circulated
yesterday, and which can be seen here:
  Could you help me debug my WIP of porting the autotools tests
  to meson? They're just failing randomly with no good debuging output:


Dylan, if you pick these patches up you may want to squash those ones which
are 'Fixes' into the respective initial patch before any final push.

At this stage the failures are deterministic.

The remaining two known issues are:

   * -Dbuild-tests=true: anv is unable to build when this option is enabled.
     This is unrelated to this series and occurs in master. At present meson
     by default has different test coverage to autotools. See further here:

   * gallium pipeloaders: There's an ongoing scoping problem with the LLVM
     libraries as a dependency. I was unable to fix yet. See further here:

Rhys Kidd (5):
   travis: fix python3.5 dependency for "meson Gallium Drivers"
   travis: Add libclc-dev, clang and libclang-dev dependencies of clover
   travis: radeonsi and radv require LLVM 7.0 (meson)
   travis: delete remaining scons residuals
   meson: libdfreedreno depends upon libdrm (for fence support)

  .travis.yml                               | 25 ++++++++---------------
  src/gallium/drivers/freedreno/meson.build |  4 +---
  2 files changed, 10 insertions(+), 19 deletions(-)

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