On 6/1/12 2:06 PM, Oliver McFadden wrote:
On Fri, Jun 01, 2012 at 11:23:17AM -0400, Adam Jackson wrote:
On 6/1/12 3:33 AM, Oliver McFadden wrote:
Wouldn't "Intel(R) Open Source ..." be sufficient?

Wouldn't "Intel Open Source ..." be sufficient?

I am not a lawyer, period.  Certainly not an Intel lawyer, therefore "no

That being said, from a technical standpoint, using (R) as standard
ASCII instead of the UTF-8 character might be a good compromise
considering we cannot guarantee correct display of the UTF-8 character

If it's a thing that needs compromise, sure, I suppose. But I'd be fascinated to know why your lawyers think they need a marca registrada in a place that (afaik) no other vendor thinks they do.

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