On Tue, 27 Aug 2019 at 09:03, Andreas Bergmeier <abergme...@gmx.net> wrote:
> > Be warned that the way the Intel streamout hardware works is really weird.  
> > It's designed from the perspective of something walking a buffer and trying 
> > to figure out which outputs to grab.  This is completely backwards (or 
> > inside-out, whichever is weirder) from the API which is written from the 
> > perspective of a shader shoving data into a buffer.  If you're looking at 
> > the ANV code, it's really easy to get turned around.
> Thanks. Currently I am trying to orient on Intel, since it
> a, seems the closest non-capability wise and
> b, if push comes to shove, I might be able to compile a new libvulkanintel.so 
> and start tracing with that
> What do you think would be the better reference? RADV?

One thing to remember is you don't need XFB for a conformant vulkan
driver, the extension isn't even an official one. It's probably the
last place to start :-)

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