I am running the installation of the last version of MESA on a raspberry 4
in order to update the existing  openGL string version  2.1 Mesa 19.3.2. I
am building an applicatio nfor Kinnect using the libfreenect2.

When I run the meson .. command, I got this error,

Message: libdrm 2.4.102 needed because nouveau has the highest requirement
Run-time dependency libdrm_nouveau found: NO (tried pkgconfig and cmake)

../meson.build:1504:4: ERROR: Dependency "libdrm_nouveau" not found, tried
pkgconfig and cmake

and there is already a libdrm-nouveau2 driver, but I do not know how to
handlethis issue, if I to comme back to libdrm 2.4, or configure the meson
building to use the libdrm2

Thank you very much.


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