This is the first of several patch bombs that remove the generated ES1
and ES2 parameter filter wrapper functions.  This wrappers need to be
removed for several reasons:

- Extra CPU hit that only penalizes ES applications.

- Changing ES functionality has one more place to touch Mesa... because
  you don't already have to modify enough places.

- All of the filtering that is done for ES also needs to be done for
  desktop core contexts.

- A subset of the filtering that is currently done for ES2 needs to be
  done for ES3.

This first batch is the easy stuff.  There are a lot of the generated
filter functions that filter enums down to the set that core Mesa
already accepts.  Patch 01 is the perfect example.  The generated
function makes sure that the mag filter can only be GL_NEAREST or
GL_LINEAR.  Strong work!

The next batch (about 65 patches) moves the validation out of the
wrappers and into the core Mesa functions.  I will send these out in
batches, grouped by functional area, to keep the review burden to a
minimum.  Lol.

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