--- Comment #8 from Brian Crowell <> ---
On Mon, Feb 18, 2013 at 11:58 AM,  <> wrote:
> Here's another patch to try.  It uses the results of get_drawable_size() to
> initialize the buffer's dimensions.  I've run other test programs and it
> seems
> to be OK.

This was essentially the fix I did to get past it on my own. I was
able to make the context current, but I can't verify anything past
that because the pbuffer is essentially a dummy so I can do
direct-to-texture rendering with framebuffers (which is failing for
more LLVM-related reasons). I read somewhere that with OpenGL 3.0
compliance, I can specify None for the drawable in
glXMakeContextCurrent instead of making a dummy pbuffer.

Anyhow, I know this lets me make the context current, and the program
used to work in Mesa 8.0.5, so I assume the fix is enough. Is there
anything specific you'd like me to try?

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