On Tue, Aug 20, 2013 at 8:54 AM, Maarten Lankhorst
<maarten.lankho...@canonical.com> wrote:
> 1. There is a new gallium based osmesa, which doesn't work correctly with 
> wine. My testcase is running opengl32_test from wine/dlls/opengl32/tests.
> I've pushed a few fixes, but gave up after I was still hitting a memcpy error 
> in valgrind on those tests. There's no option to disable the new osmesa,
> and by default it will build both and install both to the same place, 
> overwriting itself..

Oh, that's going to be obnoxious for distributions.

> 2. Parallel builds from the same source directory fails because 
> mesa/mapi/glapi/gen and performs writes to the source directory.
> A simple automake patch seems to fix it.. (attached below)

What do I have to do to reproduce this? I tried multiple out-of-source
builds without the patch and it never failed.
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