On 04/08/2014 02:03 PM, Eric Anholt wrote:
> Here's a rework of the series for meta CopyTexSubImage (required for
> i965's gen8 support, since we're probably going to avoid doing blorp at
> all for it).  Ken had almost-reviewed a previous version of the patch, but
> I went back and did some refactors before it that bring this feature
> improvement to a net lines of code reduction while hopefully improving
> performance on older drivers at the same time.

FWIW, Timo Aaltonen just noticed that Warsow performance went down by
around 80% with commit 61e264f4fcdba3623781a0a339426672f0d431e4 (mesa:
Prefer non-swizzled formats for most sized internalformats).
Apparently, we fall off the BLORP path now.

However, this patch series improves Meta's CopyTexSubImage to the point
where performance is back to normal.  Convenient timing :)

Feel free to commit this.


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