On Mon, Apr 27, 2015 at 3:58 PM, Anish Kanchan <anishgkanc...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Hello,
> I am a final year Computer Engineering student from Sardar Patel Institute
> of Technology. I have a good understanding of C and I have worked on
> projects using C as a part of my coursework. I am interested in working on
> the "Improved application of GLSL complier optimizations" project idea for
> EVoC.

I responded to someone else's question about this project -- see here:

Basically, I don't think it's an interesting project. It may have been
at one point, but not any more.

> So before submitting an application, I understand that I need to understand
> the code base and submit patches to show my programming proficiency and
> problem solving skills.
> However, before I begin doing so, I would like you to answer few queries -
> 1. Can a proposal have only one 'easy' project idea (or will one have to
> club two easy ones)?
> 2. Could you point me to the necessary resources which will help me
> understand the project?

It's not really a software project that you can just quickly
understand fully. :)

Lots of us have been working on it for years and aren't even
interested in understanding it fully.

> 3. Could you also tell me how to set up the development environment for
> setting up this project?

I've been meaning to create a wiki page. Hopefully I can do this soon.
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